It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness.
Today we have Ellie who will give a philosophical perspective on life. And I already petted you five minutes ago!
Well, I agree.
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness.
Today we have Ellie who will give a philosophical perspective on life. And I already petted you five minutes ago!
Well, I agree.
Although the heat has let up slightly ( in the 80’s and not the 90’s) today, it will be roaring back in a couple of days. Roxy, Joey, and Sheena are enjoying the air conditioning which is set between 77 and 78 degrees. I went for a short walk with my sister-in-law today. Before I went through the change heat didn’t affect me that much. Now that I’m in my 70’s I feel like a wimp. On the plus side, my house is getting a thorough cleaning and I’m getting back to attacking my list of to read books.