So I haven’t talked a great deal about this, but enough so that some of you know I’m having some severe allergy issues. And I’m not talking about this for sympathy—just to raise some awareness about a little known condition
Back To School Lunch Issues
Jenn here. Yasmine asked me to blog today, and we thought back to school lunches would a great topic for me to do this time. *grins* As many of you know I not only have a number of furbabies in
Reactions, Again…and Fried Chicken Recipe
It’s been one hell of a past few days on the allergy front. Long post here, with the fried chicken recipe at the end. A week or so ago my niece came to visit for a few days. She has
Dairy Free Chocolate-Peppermint Nut Clusters
Not only are these nut clusters dairy free, they are relatively low carb in limited amounts. I wanted a dairy-free candy that wasn’t too high carb, that had the TASTE of candy but yet that offered some protein with it,
Holiday Cooking with Allergies

Without a doubt, for those of us who have food allergies and intolerances, the holidays are a difficult time. Holidays are usually celebrated with food — lots and lots of good tasty food. But when you can’t have gluten or
Pass the Benadryl, Please…

First: I will try to get a Year in My Yard picture up, but will probably be tomorrow… A reminder to those who are food-allergic. Always check your brands. There are a couple brands of brown sugar or maple flavored
Dairy Free Hot Chocolate With a Kick
So last night I made hot cocoa for a friend and I while we watched the mini-series of the Shining (which we BOTH like FAR better than the movie–I hated the movie version. The mini-series is really so much better
No More Strawberries-Food Allergy Post
Well, it has been a while since I have talked about my allergies and my diet. I’ve been having a lot of sporadic minor reactions, as I have been trying out a few of the foods I am intolerant to
Stress, Allergies, & Cute Dresses
(I wrote this blog last night, by the way…so when I refer to “yesterday” I’m actually talking about Tuesday, not Wednesday. I am feeling better this morning, thank gods). So this week has been a mishmash of stress. First, regardless
Reactions, Reactions…Food Allergy, That Is
So I am sorry that you aren’t getting your weekly tree today. In fact I am writing this blog while using Dragon software because I can barely string two sentences together if forced to type them out. Last night I