Vlog: Quarantine Diaries: 5 Crystals for Healing

Welcome to Yasmine's Place
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Samhain’s Coming in With Mercury Retrograde On Its Heels

Monday Musings

So, we are coming close to Samhain, we are nearing a new moon, we are moving into a Mercury retrograde period, and all of this will be in the sign of Scorpio. In other words: we’re headed for a very

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Sshhh…It’s Time for Ghost Stories!

ghostly figure by window

So today we’re going to talk about ghost stories — real ghost stories. Now, last Tuesday, I told you about a ghost that I saw when my husband and I were on an anniversary trip. Today I’m going to talk

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My Favorite Tarot Spread


I have gathered a number of tarot spreads over the years, but my favorite that I come back to time and again is the following. It’s actually my personal take on a different spread that a friend taught me a

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How To Choose A System For Divination

How To Choose A System For Divination

Today we’re going to talk about divination. The definition of divination can include everything from understanding the forces going on behind a situation to actually predicting the future. And there are numerous systems for practicing divination. When I first started

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Vlog: Oracle Deck Reviews!

Word Magic

Today on the Vlog, I’m reviewing several oracle decks! So grab a chair and make yourself comfortable. And tell me in the comments what decks YOU like!

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Vlog: Plan With Me || Creating A Magickal Planner

Word Magic

Today, we’ll put together a magickal planner, so come plan with me!

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Honoring the Harvest Moon

Harvest moon surrounded by autumn leaves

Friday’s Full Moon is known, in my tradition, as The Harvest Moon. September: Harvest Moon During September, we celebrate the second harvest–Mabon, and we rejoice in all we have gathered to us this year, through our hard work and perseverance.

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August: Letting Go Under the The Magickal Corn Moon

the Moon Phases

Thursday, August 15th, will be the Corn Moon at 5:29 AM PDT August: Corn Moon We’ve passed Lughnasadh, the first harvest of grain and corn, and are on our way to autumn. During August, we focus on tying up loose

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February: The Quickening Moon

Moon Phases

Today we come to the last of the Year of Moons posts–the Quickening Moon, February’s Full Moon, at it takes place this morning at 7:54 AM. You have a full day to take advantage of the moon’s power! February: Quickening

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