Every year, I write a post on October 1st called Welcome to the Witching Season, and today is no different. I love this post. I love that it’s time to write it, because I love the autumn, and I love
Welcome to the Witching Season

Every year, I write a post on October 1st called Welcome to the Witching Season, and today is no different. I love this post. I love that it’s time to write it, because I love the autumn, and I love
So, I always decorate during autumn, and thought you might like to see some of my autumn pretties this year! For me, it’s one of my joys each year, to break out the decorations and, a whirlwind of color later,
Every year I put up a post I call Welcome to the Witching Season. Today, I’m bringing it to you in a vlog!
One of the things I love best about our area is what happens during autumn. September usually varies between moderate and rainy, we often slide into the beginnings of our rainy season about mid-to-late month. The trees begin to change
Every August there’s a massive light show in the sky. Yes, I’m talking about the Perseid meteor shower. Apparently, they’ve already started, but the peak will be from August 11-13, so if you live in a place where there isn’t
So I’m thinking about vacations. Now, I took a vacation recently — the first one in a while. It was actually a staycation, to be honest. Now, I don’t do vacations well. I’m not comfortable spending large amounts of time
I have always loved picnics. Long ago, after I left my ex and before I met Samwise, I was involved with a woman. We would get off work — I worked for the state at the time and she worked
I can’t believe it’s already June and we’re into beach month! Before you know it, we’ll be heading into the waning half of the year. My mother used to tell me when I was little that as I grew older,
Saturday we went out for a brief drive. It’s been autumn here for awhile, but all of a sudden, I looked around, and it was everywhere–autumn, in all her glory. The leaves are turning color, there’s a brilliant array of
Hello everyone, Jennifer here with today’s blog post for you. Yasmine asked me to share some ideas with you all about fun summer activities to do with kids. My daughter and I are both already signed up for