Blogmas: Reader Love Contest

Blogmas: Reader Love Contest

For this month’s Reader Love Contest, you’ll have a chance to win a mug and a book of mine (usually an e-book), if you enter by answering this question: What’s your favorite holiday movie/song? To enter: In your comment answer

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Blogmas: Winter Musings (Giveaway)

Deer in a snow on winter background.

I love the feel of the stark landscape, and the pristine look of snow (I may not want snow for more than a few days, but I do love the feel of that clear, crisp, blanket over everything). When I

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Blogmas: Meet January Jaxson

Blogmas: Meet January Jaxson

Meet January Jaxson. Almost 41, recently divorced from her elitist asshole of a husband Ellison, she finds herself moving back to Moonshadow Bay, WA–her hometown, in early December. January’s a Fam-Trad witch, born to a line of witch women. But

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