Important Updates/Announcements

Well, announcement time. I have a lot to tell you, now that the blog’s been upgraded (behind the scenes, to allow us to do more with it). The blog email is still kind of messed up but we’ll have that

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The Reading Order of My Books/Series

The definitive guide to reading order of my books. Reading Order

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“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo…”

I re-watched Fellowship of the Ring the other day. I meant to work while watching it, which was kind of a stupid thought because yah, it’s Frodo and Gandalf and the Nazgul and hey–we were going to see the elves,

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Stress, Allergies, & Cute Dresses

(I wrote this blog last night, by the way…so when I refer to “yesterday” I’m actually talking about Tuesday, not Wednesday. I am feeling better this morning, thank gods). So this week has been a mishmash of stress. First, regardless

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