Where is your peaceful place?
Cauldron Thoughts
Stones tell the history of the world.
Cauldron Thoughts
Nature is my temple.
Cauldron Thoughts
Kiss the sun under broken clouds.
Cauldron Thoughts
Where is your river going?
Cauldron Thoughts
Find your joy, even for a few minutes each day. Let yourself fly.
Cauldron Thoughts
On Samhain the Veils part, spirits walk and the ancestors sing, As we honor the Lord of Fire and the Lady of Ice.
Cauldron Thoughts
The mists are calling you…Will you answer the summons?
Cauldron Thoughts
During autumn, the world spins into a cacophony of color. The trees shed their skins in the how of the winds As we spin circles around the bonfire.
Cauldron Thoughts
CAULDRON THOUGHTS: The harvest is over, Demeter sinks into mourning, the world takes a long breath…