But First, Coffee

iced latte

I’ve been working like crazy lately–life’s insanely busy and about to get busier. They’re allowing some construction to begin now in WA, and so our bathroom refitters–who had to put off our work last month when we went into shutdown–are

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5 Ways to Manage Your Life With MCAS

5 Ways to Manage Your Life With MCAS

Life with MCAS can be daunting, and one of the hardest things is managing diet. For one thing, everybody with MCAS will have different needs. So many things can cause reactions but some days, one thing will be all right,

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Vlog: I’ve Got A Secret!…And Cats!

Welcome to Yasmine's Place
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Vlog: Why I’m No Longer Trying To Heal My MCAS

Welcome to Yasmine's Place
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Vlog: Let’s Talk About My Books, TV, Hair, & MCAS

Paranormal Pin-Up
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Five Ways to Practice Self-Care

self-care yoga pose

As a writer, I lead a fairly sedentary and stressful life. As a person who has MCAS, I desperately need to watch my stress levels, and I need to keep my emotions as calm, or as joyful, as possible. IOW:

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Exercising Through Resistance

Home gym equipment

Since we are in the month of January, when a lot of people make goals and resolutions, I’m thinking about exercise. Honestly, if it weren’t for my pain levels, I would enjoy exercising a lot more than I do. I

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Hump Day Thoughts & A Note on The Phantom Queen

Hump Day Thoughts & A Note on The Phantom Queen

Hey, good morning. I thought I would take a few moments to blog, and update you on a couple things, and just chat a little bit. First, The Phantom Queen will be out a couple weeks later than I had

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MCAS: Flares and Frustrations

MCAS: Flares and Frustrations

So, I haven’t talked about MCAS that much yet. Which, turns out my Histamine Intolerance is one part of. Rather than regurgitate the information that’s already well-documented out there, here’s a post with a good overview of what MCAS is. 

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When You Realize You’ve Been Poisoning Yourself…

When You Realize You’ve Been Poisoning Yourself…

So, I really did a number on myself. Apparently, I’ve been poisoning myself for months. And I deliberately use that word because I need to remember, that’s essentially what it is. Foods that are safe for others, can easily be

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