That Burnt Orange Season…

That Burnt Orange Season...

Saturday we went out for a brief drive. It’s been autumn here for awhile, but all of a sudden, I looked around, and it was everywhere–autumn, in all her glory. The leaves are turning color, there’s a brilliant array of

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The Nature of Mabon

Mabon image

Tomorrow we’ll be celebrating Mabon. Mabon is the celebration of the Autumnal Equinox, when day and night are once again in balance.  Once more the sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night equal one another. Celebrated in late

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Blessed Mabon

Blessed Mabon. May the Second Harvest bring you abundance and joy. ~Yasmine and her family

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Blessed Mabon!

Blessed Mabon! May the Second Harvest bless you with abundance and generosity!

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Mabon and Allergies and Other Stuff, Kinda

So, a few things have been happening. Tomorrow is Mabon, the Fall Equinox. For Pagans, it’s considered the second harvest—the harvest of fruits. You might think of it as a non-secular Thanksgiving, when we give gratitude to the Goddess of

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Autumn Equinox Contest!

CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED! NO MORE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED! In honor of Mabon, I’m giving away a fun autumn tote bag o’ goodies to one winner! Contest opens at 8 AM PDT on September 19th, and closes 9 PM

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Seasonal Recipes–Gluten and Dairy Free


We had a Mabon party to celebrate the equinox with friends. It was a wonderful time and we saw a few people we hadn’t seen in over twenty years. We’ve kept in touch via Facebook but distance and time constraints

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Autumn Decorating

Every autumn I love to decorate the house. Early to mid September, I deck it out for Samhain, and then when Samhain is over, I take down the more ooo-spooky decorations, and keep up the rest of the autumn ones

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Merry Mabon!


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