The Nature of Litha

The Wheel of the Year--Litha

Litha — the summer solstice — falls on June 21st this year. The exact time is at 8:54 AM, PDT. The summer solstice means different things to different pagans, and all of these traditions can be right. In my tradition,

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That Burnt Orange Season…

That Burnt Orange Season...

Saturday we went out for a brief drive. It’s been autumn here for awhile, but all of a sudden, I looked around, and it was everywhere–autumn, in all her glory. The leaves are turning color, there’s a brilliant array of

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Inspiration Corner: The World is a Marvelous Place

Stay Inspired!

I came across this video and thought…it’s so freaking amazing. If a butterfly can fly that far…then we can do so many incredible things with our lives. What in nature makes you marvel?

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But First, Coffee: My World as a Character

But First, Coffee

We went out for a couple of drives this past weekend. It was so nice not have anything on the schedule. I’ve been working overtime the past few weeks on both the book and our renewal of vows. And now,

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Hurricanes and Earthquakes and Tornadoes, OH MY!

JENN: I was talking about Hurricane Harvey with Yasmine today. I was letting her know how far I am from the coast and just checking in to let her know I’m okay. While we were talking about that we got

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This, That, & Happy Memorial Day

It’s hot and muggy here. We have entered summer. It was eighty-five degrees here. The plants are loving it after the massively wet past six months, but it was a bit much for me. My comfort zone for summer runs

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Beach Days

So, this is beach weather—even here, we’re having 70-75 degree days and summer this year, so far, is pleasant rather than the scorcher it was last year. We live on the coast—we have inlets here, which come in from the

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Happy ‘Ruptaversary Mount St. Helens

36 years ago today, Mount St. Helens erupted here in WA State. I was in a walking cast, at Evergreen State College. I still have a little bottle of ash from then. Today, our volcanoes are still just as active

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The Yard Rebounds

Last year most of our yard was scorched by the heatwave. Flowers didn’t do well, blooms didn’t open, everything kind of just…lingered. This year, we’re having a massive resurgence in the yard, so thought I’d show you a few pictures.

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A Year of Trees: Week 52 (And slideshow)

So this happened a year ago: There is a street nearby that I absolutely love. Really, it could be any street, there’s nothing really outstanding about it, except for the fact that it is lined with trees. Now this a

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