Allergy Friendly Picnic Food

Fried chicken, potato salad, apple pie…yes, it’s end of the summer picnic season! But when you have food allergies, quite often the fried chicken and everything else seems off limits. Except that now it’s not. I’ve managed to come up

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Low Carb Summer Refreshers

I’ve come up with a couple summer coolers that work for low carb, and that taste fruity and light. Iced Herbal Tea Drink 3 cups strong raspberry tea (herbal, caffeine-free) 2 bottles San Pelligrino or Perrier or 2 liters of

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Gluten/Dairy/Nut Free Pumpkin-Molasses Pie


I promised you the recipe for this, as well, so here you go–two recipes in one week! This pie uses a pre-made pie crust. Now I vary from the suggested recipe because vinegar and my body do not agree. But

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Reactions, Again…and Fried Chicken Recipe

It’s been one hell of a past few days on the allergy front. Long post here, with the fried chicken recipe at the end. A week or so ago my niece came to visit for a few days. She has

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Seasonal Recipes–Gluten and Dairy Free


We had a Mabon party to celebrate the equinox with friends. It was a wonderful time and we saw a few people we hadn’t seen in over twenty years. We’ve kept in touch via Facebook but distance and time constraints

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Dairy Free Hot Chocolate With a Kick

So last night I made hot cocoa for a friend and I while we watched the mini-series of the Shining (which we BOTH like FAR better than the movie–I hated the movie version. The mini-series is really so much better

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Early Autumn Recipes


Yesterday I made a wonderful new treat—squash pie. Now, it’s not low carb, but it’s not harsh on the blood sugar (unless you eat the whole pie all at once). I wanted something that I could eat on this low-impact

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Stuffed Acorn Squash

Made this for dinner and it was incredible. Feel free to print out for your own files but please do not post this on any other sites (you can post the link).

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Birthdays, Wedding Rings, and Cake

So, Saturday was my birthday. Sam suggested for my present, I get a new wedding ring. Now you have to understand that this is my fourth wedding ring for one marriage. The first one we got when we were very

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