We are the ghosts of the future.
Cauldron Thoughts
The mists are calling you…Will you answer the summons?
Blogtober: Autumn Decorations
Every autumn we decorate like crazy, and this year–regardless of Covid–is no exception. So here are a few of our decorations this year (click on an image to see the full photo):
Welcome to the Witching Season
Every year, I write a post on October 1st called Welcome to the Witching Season, and today is no different. I love this post. I love that it’s time to write it, because I love the autumn, and I love
Blessed Samhain
May this burnt orange season lead you safely between worlds as the Veils lift. ~Yasmine and her team
Samhain’s Coming in With Mercury Retrograde On Its Heels
So, we are coming close to Samhain, we are nearing a new moon, we are moving into a Mercury retrograde period, and all of this will be in the sign of Scorpio. In other words: we’re headed for a very
Sshhh…It’s Time for Ghost Stories!
So today we’re going to talk about ghost stories — real ghost stories. Now, last Tuesday, I told you about a ghost that I saw when my husband and I were on an anniversary trip. Today I’m going to talk
Autumn Decorating
So, I always decorate during autumn, and thought you might like to see some of my autumn pretties this year! For me, it’s one of my joys each year, to break out the decorations and, a whirlwind of color later,
The Nature of Samhain
Samhain (pronounced Sow-en) is the primary Celtic festival, celebrated on the evening of October 31st–November 1st. It focuses on our links to our spiritual and physical ancestors. The honoring of ancestors is a concept celebrated world-round under a number of
That Burnt Orange Season…
Saturday we went out for a brief drive. It’s been autumn here for awhile, but all of a sudden, I looked around, and it was everywhere–autumn, in all her glory. The leaves are turning color, there’s a brilliant array of