One year old! Yay! Introducing Sammy!

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Yay! One year of Roar! Boo! I got turned into… whatever that was… It took an hour to get my… whatever… off of my face. This is what I get for letting Oatmeal-For-Brains near the control panel. Fortunately, Michael didn’t

Back to Work

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Yeah, this was a good story segue. And, now we go back to Michael. And yes, I like toy animals. I put them into my comic. Let me know what you think

Michael watches All My Fur

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Yeah, Michael likes his show. I’m sorry about not coming out with a comic on time, I’m working through personal issues. However, I have years of material already written. Let me know what you think

Michael has to watch a commercial

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Yeah, advertisers see all. I’m sooooo glad real life is nothing like this! Yes, I’m being facetious. Let me know what you think


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Nothing like Good Ole Begging to get what you want. Let me know what you think