Fligth From Death cover

Here’s your Monday Snippet!
FLIGHT FROM DEATH — Book 1 of the Fly By Night Series (a spinoff of Otherworld)Release date: July 7th, 2015. Available for Preorder! If you want an autographed copy, preorder from Seattle Mystery Bookshop. Preorders help authors out SO much!

You can also preorder Autumn Thorns, book one of the Whisper Hollow Series, now!

“We still don’t know how the curse is playing into this. Tonya, what do you know about Gypsy curses?” I wiped away the rain that was pouring down my cheeks.

She slowly stood up, wiping her hands on her jeans. “Enough to know they’re nothing to mess around with. The Gypsies have a lot in common with some of the Strega. They take their magic seriously and they do whatever is necessary. There’s a lot of family loyalty in the clans—tribes if you will. You mess with one, you mess with them all. Nathan fucked up pretty badly when he screwed over Terrance Buckland.”

“What kind of curse could be put on a house? Toby was specific about the fact that Anna Lee put a curse on the actual house, not on Nathan per se. Which I find odd, given the revenge factor.” As I stared up at Patrick’s house, a light flickered through one of the attic windows. “Look—up there.”

The others turned.

“What the hell . . . that isn’t fire, is it?” Alex started toward the house just as Chai and Patrick returned.

“I can make it up there fastest.” Chai vanished without giving anyone a chance to say a word.

Patrick glanced at me. “That wasn’t a wish-favor thing, was it?”

I shook my head. “Simple requests like asking him to see who’s at the door, et cetera, aren’t considered in that category. Neither are moments when he offers to help without asking you if you want him to do something. It’s complicated and there are a lot of gray areas, but eventually, you get used to the nuances.”

We waited, but it wasn’t long before Chai returned.

“No fire. The light vanished when I showed up in the attic. Whatever your big spook is here, he doesn’t like me and he’s afraid of me. But I can’t figure out why. I don’t even know what he is.” Chai picked up one of the shovels Patrick had brought and began to dig. Patrick picked up the other and joined him.

Monday Snippet: Flight From Death

3 thoughts on “Monday Snippet: Flight From Death

  • 05/05/2015 at 5:37 am

    Thank you very much!!! 🙂

  • 05/05/2015 at 4:13 am

    so far so good, got me very interested.

  • 05/04/2015 at 9:33 pm

    Incredible.. Can’t wait till July


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