I’ve had some personal issues that made me space this out till now BUT…a new project that I’ve put together with Louisa West, Renee George, Robyn Peterman Zahn, Peta Flanigan, and Ann Gimpel started today. I used to run a blog many years ago called
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have Writer’s Block.
Blessed Mabon
Blessed Mabon and Happy Autumnal Equinox!
Are You Ready For the Week?
So what are your plans for the week? What’s on the agenda for you? Did you accomplish what you wanted to last week? If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee, click on the link below to donate.
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have… Now which are the real kitties?
Harvest Thoughts
So, it’s been quite some time since I have blogged regularly here–I’m posting mostly on Patreon, but I decided to start up a few posts again over here. And where better to start than with my favorite time of the
Are You Ready For The Week
So what are your plans for the week? What’s on the agenda for you? Did you accomplish what you wanted to last week? If you would like to buy me a cup of coffee, click on the link below to donate.
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have… I… uh… I don’t wanna know… Now I’m scared. Me go pet a kitty.
Why I Love Writing Urban Fantasy
So, yesterday I finished editing the novella for Ice Magic, and will write most of A Dream of Snow novella this week, and finish it by next week. I’m planning on moving the release dates to October 15 for Ice Magic,
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have an obvious Caturday.