So what’s it like the night before a book release?

Terrified nobody will buy it (hey, it happens).
Terrified nobody will like it, because you loved writing it and want to write more of them!
Realizing that you just can’t handle dealing with bad reviews right now, so you make sure you don’t read the reviews if at all possible but…

…you also realize there are people in this world who–if they hate your book–will MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THEY HATE IT!


Terrified that you’ll forget all of the publicity you’re supposed to do.
Desperate search of the cupboards for wine.
Desperate search of the cupboards for chocolate.Consider hiding with a good movie and fuzzy blanket.

The joy when people start telling you THEY LOVE THE BOOK!



That eternal hope and optimism that the first printing will sell out like crazy the first week and you’ll land on one of the big lists (again).



That eternal hope lasts about one week, lessening every day you go along until you realize no, it’s not gonna happen.



The hope that people who love your book will post reviews to counter the vocal ones who HATE EVERYTHING YOU EVER WRITE AND MAKE SURE EVERYBODY KNOWS.



Remembering the days when writers all hoped Oprah would pick them for her book club. You laugh and laugh at how that hope was so strong but so unfounded in reality.
The one day when–even though you never check Amazon rankings the rest of the time because you’ve trained yourself NOT to–you keep refreshing the rankings, praying to see that number drop below 100.
The one day when you check Amazon rankings and cry because it’s not budging under the (fill in the blank number) range.


You realize how many bigger authors had releases the same day and you sadly bid farewell to making any lists due to that fact and you drink more wine.



You really REALLY hope people will love the book because you loved writing it and you really want to write more in the series and that depends on…yes…sales.
You cuddle with your cats and a good movie, just wanting release week to end so you can go back to focusing on writing the next book.




Yah, that’s all release day…and more.



Night Before Release Day
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17 thoughts on “Night Before Release Day

  • 07/08/2015 at 4:43 am

    I got my book and I’m very excited about it! Won’t be able to read it for a little while though. I appreciated this post and wish you all the best.

  • 07/07/2015 at 9:41 pm

    I am started and loving it. I want to stretch it out for at least one more day, will definitely be posting a positive review. Thanks!!

  • 07/07/2015 at 7:10 pm

    Got home to find my copy on the porch. A Perfect Night! Nothing I have to do but read your book. I know I’ll love it, as you are the only author I pre-order. Sometimes I just wait a couple days to read because the anticipation is wonderful. You never disappoint! I know you’ll have a great book release. Please keep writing.

  • 07/07/2015 at 3:59 pm

    It will be awesome like your previous books.

  • 07/07/2015 at 3:02 pm

    I was so happy to see it on my Kindle this morning. Almost done and love it!

  • 07/07/2015 at 12:46 pm

    Got my copy!!!! Not starting it just yet as I’m finishing a collection of short stories called “Blood Sisters: Vampire Stories by Women” that I started to fill the time to book release. Almost done with that though! I’ve loved the previews up ’til now!

  • 07/07/2015 at 9:10 am

    Happy Release Day! Never fear…you’re faithful readers will love it and insist friends give it a go. I do, anyway!

  • 07/07/2015 at 6:39 am

    I just got my copy and can’t wait to start reading. Too bad work is in the way. Haha. I love all your books so this is just one I can’t wait to start. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us!!!!

  • 07/07/2015 at 6:32 am

    I pre-ordered mine, can’t wait to start reading. It will be amazing just like all your others, you got this!!!

  • 07/07/2015 at 5:48 am

    Yasmine-Hang in there babe! You are an amazing writer and your success is only going to continue to flourish!

  • 07/07/2015 at 4:47 am

    I pre-ordered the book as soon as it was up. Yesterday (July 6th – I’m German 😉 ) was my birthday, so basically you gave me my favorite present. It downloaded onto my Kindle at midnight and I’m about halfway through now. I absolutely love it! Totally made my day… or night. Looking forward to Autumn Throns. And I hope you made it through release-day alright. :-))

  • 07/07/2015 at 4:44 am

    Hugs ! The reviews don’t matter to those of us who read, collect & revere every word you write 🙂 Breathe ! We love you !

  • 07/07/2015 at 4:32 am

    Happy release day!! Already bought the book..pre-order..started reading it this morning and can’t put it down. There is at least one person in the room that loves it!!!

  • 07/07/2015 at 1:45 am

    While definitely in different realms of importance, you could substitute the word “party” for book release and quite a bit of these statements will fit! Remember that feeling? You do all of this work planning the party and cooking and cleaning and everything else. Then, as the hour grows near, you convince yourself that only 3 people will show-even though 30 said they would come.

    A couple hours later you have a house full of people. And you, Yasmine, are going to have a very successful book release. Try to enjoy the party.

  • 07/07/2015 at 1:07 am

    You have always had the enviable ability to write a story that draws me into it. the scenes you depict and the character portrayals are ones I live while I read. Thank you for having the courage to go forward and do what you do so well.

  • 07/06/2015 at 10:03 pm

    The Labyrinth wasn’t a piece of cake, as we all know but with the help of a few friends, many well written and spoken words, amazing costuming and a strong minded heroine, all was epically well. As are your books 🙂 breathe, tomorrow night will be here soon enough <3


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