So happy Saturday evening. It’s been a long time since I really felt like I wanted to blog, but tonight I feel like doing so. I’ve been making a lot of changes lately and you, as my readers who hang out online, will begin to notice those if you haven’t already. For a long time now I have limited my amount of time on Twitter, and finally — when a few things blew up there recently — I realized I was done. I’m not going to tell you what it was all about. I wasn’t even part of it, but watching it? Made me tired.

And I sat there, watching people melt down right and left, and realized “I’m tired of this.” It’s been a long time since I felt peace of mind when hanging out online. I used to have a lot of fun but now I really don’t. And with my new schedule, I don’t have a whole lot of time, either.

So I took a break. The past couple weeks I have backed away drastically except for the necessary promotion for Flight from Death. And you know what?

I felt better. I have been decompressing. I’ve had more time to read and to talk to friends. I feel less frantic. So I guess what I’m saying, is that I need to be off-line more. Twitter will remain an admin account, so please, don’t post questions for me there because I won’t be seeing them. You can always post questions on Facebook/FB group/Forums, and my mod Jen will bring them to my attention if she can’t answer them. You can post questions on the blog and I will see them here.

Tonight we had our first harvest from our garden. Here’s a picture of the first ripe tomato! YAY!

first harvest

This heat wave we have been having finally broke yesterday — yesterday and today it has been at the most 70° and we have been rejoicing. We need rain desperately, but the cloud cover and cooler temps help so much. I have had major headaches thanks to the sunlight and heat even though we have air-conditioning.

We’ve managed to save the tomatoes, zucchini, and the cucumbers. I think my blueberry and raspberry crops are toast. Same with the lettuce and cauliflower. But the hummingbirds are coming in and they have discovered the flower baskets, and they’re happily buzzing around them.

I’ve also been instituting an eat at the table rule. At least three times a week we will eat at the table and not our computers. I’m finding it also brings me a piece of mind to sit and look outside at the backyard while I eat. I tend to eat more leisurely, and I relax better. And with that rule, I am also instituting a no phones at the table rule. I guess what I’m doing is unplugging and I am the better for it.

I am typing this using Dragon software, with little Apple is curled up in my arms licking his blanket. He has fit into our family quite well, and now Brighid is only mildly disgusted by him. I caught her chasing him the other day — playing. A good sign.

Today I signed all the preorders of Flight from Death over at Seattle Mystery Bookshop. I know I’m going to hear from some people, “I wish I would have known that you were going to sign preorders.”

So I’m just going to say this: if you follow my FB and blogs, how did you miss our constant reminders?

So, here’s a reminder for Autumn Thorns: if you want to preorder a signed copy of the book do so from Seattle Mystery Bookshop by October 27 to ensure that they have enough copies.

And on this note I’m going to say good night. Tomorrow I will be putting up my Year of Trees blog. It’s hard to believe I’m almost at the end of the year with it — I believe I have eight weeks left and I have only missed three pictures.

Apple is now asleep, and I am going to go watch some TV or read a book. I start writing Flight from Mayhem — the second Fly by Night book — on Monday. And I’m looking forward to it.

Bright blessings and sleep well.

Unplugging, Gardens, & Signing Books

11 thoughts on “Unplugging, Gardens, & Signing Books

  • 07/14/2015 at 12:50 pm

    As Ferris Bueller (or however you spell his last name) said, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t slow down, you could miss something.” Or something like that. My Mom and I have been spending time going out with a friend of hers (a lady she used to work with), and she introduced us to her friend. The second lady is nice and has been fun to hang out with too. My two best friends and I try to get together as often as we can (though not all together). Tomorrow I’m getting together with one of them to see “Magic Mike XXL”! The other one I want to get together with over her parents house so I can visit with her sister, too. (Her sister has vertigo from a damaged middle ear and is on medical leave from her job. She doesn’t leave the house.) Nothing beats face to face conversations!

  • 07/13/2015 at 11:07 pm

    Nice that you are finding ways to slow it down. I am not a big fan of social media because I believe people tend to give out too much info and seem to forget their manners on top of it! It is getting hot here in Cali and with the drought, everything is turning brown! I like your dinner rules and we eat at the table and “no phones” allowed at our house! I am almost finished with Flight from Death and must say, I already love the characters!

  • 07/13/2015 at 5:11 am

    Glad that you are taking more time for yourself, social media does get tiresome. I loved the new book, of which I had no doubt. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  • 07/12/2015 at 5:21 pm

    I hear you. I’m glad you’re finding something that works for you. I’ve mostly been off of Facebook and never got on Twitter and I, too, have been trying to figure out what works for me when it comes to social media. Good for you!

  • 07/12/2015 at 11:10 am

    Your tomato looks luscious! I’m also glad you’re slowing down. My sweetie reminded me the other day we need to stop and just enjoy each other and life. We have a lovely deck overlooking the North Umpqua River in Oregon. We’re up a ways so we can watch the water flow and rafters drift by. So the other evening we made a date and just sat out there with a cold drink, enjoying each other and the river. I wish the same for you and Samwise. And of course the Galenorn kitties! Because our cat, Rudy was right there with us soaking up the cool breeze and enjoying life.

  • 07/12/2015 at 9:02 am

    About time lady! In all the years I have been following you and its now many. You just don’t slow down. I am glad you found ways to just breathe. Btw, my mother won the gift basket and was tickled pink! Hope you have a relaxing Sunday.

  • 07/12/2015 at 8:27 am

    Good for you! I have started trying to spend less time on the computer ad more time reading, crocheting and actually doing stuff with the dogs again. It is much more fulfilling than spending too much time on social media. Although, Pip helping me with my gardening was not my plan. He so thoroughly went back to remove the stake and the milkweed vine I had just staked.
    Enjoy the cooler temperatures.

  • 07/12/2015 at 7:50 am

    that is a magazine cover worthy tomato! 🙂 I haven’t been on twitter for quite a while. Some people are really nice to visit with, but I don’t really miss it either. Getting re connected with nature and home is vital to our witchy souls.
    Happy little Apple is a good little brother in your family.:)
    Blessings Yasmine.

  • 07/12/2015 at 5:54 am

    Hurray for you!! Glad to see your garden tomato and hope it continues. Our garden has been generous so far. Have canned 21 quarts of green beans and 30 pints of beets. Beets are canned with spices, so it makes them very yummy.
    Good that your newest fur baby is integrating into the pack.
    Will be getting your new book as soon as I get to the book store, as I have several more to find. Thank you for being you and your writing.
    Have a good week to start the next book.

  • 07/12/2015 at 3:33 am


    • 07/12/2015 at 8:32 am

      Good for you. I love the tomato. I’ll be so glad when the farmer’s markets over here start having tomatoes. I tried twitter for a day and decided it wasn’t for me. Somedays I’m not so thrilled with Facebook either, but I stay on it to keep in touch with my granddaughters since it’s the only medium they respond to. I can’t wait to start readying Flight From Death. I just may stop reading the book I’m presently reading and having a hard time getting through and just go to Flight From Death.

      Have a great day!

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