Blessed Samhain! May this burnt orange season lead you safely between worlds as the veils lift. Blessed Samhain! Tagged on: Autumn Death Holiday Greetings Magick Paganism Sabbats Samhain Seasons Wheel of the Year Witchcraft
lorianna11/01/2015 at 7:16 amPermalink Hoping you are having a blesses Samhain weekend. Autumn Thorns is wonderful! I’m totally captivated with this new world that you have weaved! đŸ™‚
Yasmine GalenornPost author11/02/2015 at 11:01 amPermalink I’m so happy that the overwhelming response seems to be great love for the new world!
Elaine Folger11/01/2015 at 5:11 amPermalink My favorite time of year! Blessed Samhain! I am anxiously awaiting for the 1st in the new series to arrive from Amazon. Hope you have a wonderful week.
Linda Woestendiek11/01/2015 at 3:34 amPermalink I love your new header photo! Really works with the new title.
Bless Be with peace and happiness
Hoping you are having a blesses Samhain weekend. Autumn Thorns is wonderful!
I’m totally captivated with this new world that you have weaved! đŸ™‚
I’m so happy that the overwhelming response seems to be great love for the new world!
My favorite time of year! Blessed Samhain! I am anxiously awaiting for the 1st in the new series to arrive from Amazon. Hope you have a wonderful week.
I love your new header photo! Really works with the new title.