My first Audio Blog! Just click on the left point (right behind the time stamp) on the media player below.
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Audio Blog: Reader Questions, Blankie Boys, and Release Dates
I’m late listening to this because I forgot to bring my headphones to the library! I remembered today, and I love this!!! If audio blogs will make things easier for you, I have no problem with them! 🙂
This is AWESOME!!! Thank you Yasmine!!
Thank you. It was very interesting and amusing also, esp. the are you human question. Enjoy your work and great to hear a voice.
Love this audio blog and hope you do it again some time soon. I enjoyed getting more of a sense of your personality. Also, thank you for Darkness Raging. I’m in the middle of reading it now. Otherworld books make me really happy, even when they’re sad or scary.
I enjoyed the audio blog and hope to hear you again. I always said I was 5’3″ (really only 5’2 1/2″) but in my soul I know I was supposed to be 5’5″! I was always busy and forgot to finish growing. After teaching jr. High and high school for 29 years I also can take charge of the room, voice projection is very important plus a little attitude. Thanks for the insights to publishing and otherworld. Looking forward to hearing more audio blogs.
Enjoyed the audio blog.
I really enjoyed hearing your voice! I have all of the Otherworld series and appreciate the signed book I just got. I like the others feel like we are just friends chatting! It was really nice to get some insight into your life. I can’t wait for the next audio. Until then Bright Blessings to you.
This was great, look forward to hearing more.
Wonderful! So nice to hear your voice! I’ve been a devoted reader since picking up a copy of Trancing the Witches Wheel years ago. Thank you for all the fabulous years of being able to sink into your worlds. I love them all!
That was really good and thank you.
This was so great!!
This was really cool! So nice to sip coffee and feel as if I’m having a chat with a friend. Since I’ve been reading your books for so long I do consider you a friend.♡
This was so much fun to hear your voice and learn more about you. As one of my favorite authors since Changeling, I am eternally grateful for all you do in creating the stories we all love and clamor for more of. So thank you for this little peek into you and your life and for creating these awesome books.
This was fun! It’s nice to be able to put a voice to your photos & blog.
That was Lovely ! Such a treat to hear your voice 🙂
Great blog post…so nice to hear your voice
This was so great! Love hearing your voice!
Loved this, Yasmine! Thank you! It’s fun to hear your voice for the first time. Someone actually asked if you are human…? OK, yes there are different cosmic orientations but really? Lol. & that must be where Camille gets her iced venti quad shots from. One of the first things I loved about Camille was when she said “I like my coffee iced & my books in print.” The similarities between her & I just kept coming from there. If I could handle that much espresso I would! I’m glad to hear Camille won’t be a mom. That woman needs to spoil herself now! I can relate. & as for the blanket loving kitty, I have recently discovered mine loves to burrow & snuggle with me. It’s about the best thing ever! Bright blessings!
This is amazing!!!!! I am so excited!!!!
I too am a espresso junkies. High fives and Woot, Woot!
Thank you for this audio blog.
Thank you–the comments help me know if people like the new things I try like this. 🙂
This audio blog is outstanding. I usually do several things at a time and this audio allows me to listen to you while I’m busy with other things. Please continue this verbal blog.
It occurred to me people could multitask while listening. And it really is going to help my hands. I hope peeps just don’t get bored with it! LOL
I really enjoyed the audio blog. I have every book you’ve written in both print and e-book. I’m looking forward to reading more
Really enjoyed this!!!! Have been following your work since Changeling was released. You are without doubt my favorite author:) Thanks for creating such spectacular worlds to visit!
Love it!!!!! I really like this.