Espresso With...


YG: What do you love most about what you write?

DA: I like a certain balance of complex mystery, magic and a slow building romance in the books I read. The best part of my writing is that I get exactly what I love.

YG: Tell me the name of one of your characters, and what you loved and struggled with most while writing them?

DA: Usually I don’t struggle with my characters. If one is giving me a problem, I sort of feel like they aren’t clear enough in my head to be written yet. I think some readers do struggle with some of my characters because I’m a huge fan of growth so a lot of my protagonists are a bit rough around the edges initially.

YG: What’s the oddest thing you’ve ever received from a fan or bought for your writing?

DA: I bought assorted jerky and handmade soap for a giveaway. The Wilds is dystopian so it seemed fitting.

YG: What do you want your readers to take away from your books?

DA: The only thing I want a reader to get from my writing is an enjoyable escape.

YG: What’s the most offbeat movie that you absolutely can’t pass up every time you come across it on TV?

DA: King Pin but they don’t play it much. That movie cracks me up.

YG: What do you have coming out next, or what just came out?

I just released The Magic not long ago, which finished up my latest series, The Wilds.

YG:  Will you have espresso, mocha, cappuccino, latte, coffee, tea, or some other concoction? 

DA: I’m a Chai Tea latte girl : )


Donna Augustine was an odd child, had a brief moment of conformity in early adulthood and then decided to embrace her craziness as the years rolled by. It’s her inner crazy that she credits with coming up with the ideas for her books. One part hypochondriac, a few dashes of paranoia, topped with a sliver of uptight and delivered with a relaxed flair, she kicked the proverbial box down the yellow brick road a couple years ago to embrace her true self.

She can be reached by a carrier pigeon, set free in a south by north direction, where she resides in Neverland with her two Siberian cats. Cats who, by the way, aren’t as hypoallergenic as she believed they’d be.

For the conventional minded, and those of you without a pigeon on hand, she can be reached at [email protected]. She responds to most emails within three dusk periods.

Website, FaceBook, Twitter:

The Wilds

I met a Plaguer today, one of the very few who survived the last outbreak of Bloody Death. She said horrible things about me and my companions. We all called her crazy afterward and claimed this was the reason they needed to be locked up. They spread lies that could hurt our fragile world, nearly brought to extinction 150 years ago.

But here’s the catch: she was right about me. I have a niggling fear that she was right about my friends, as well. What if the Plaguers are right about the people in charge? What if they are right about everything?

This book is for all the Plaguers, the truth sayers branded and marked as liars, often hunted and sometimes forgotten. This book is for the girl who was right.

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Available in the Kindle Unlimited Library.

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Espresso With: Donna Augustine
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One thought on “Espresso With: Donna Augustine

  • 11/14/2016 at 12:32 pm

    Donna Augustine is absolutely amazing! I adore her stories and writing style. A tidbit of advice-do not start any of her books at bedtime for you will definitely lose sleep!You will not be able to put the book down until you’ve reached the last page. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next Donna!


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