A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road. I really enjoyed it and a number of my readers did too, so I decided to reprise it. But I wanted to focus on a different area. So I decided to go to Marymoor Park, a large park in the area with a number of vantage points. I found two that struck me–so each week (unless I’m sick or other major factors intervene) I will be posting pictures of those two places, taken from the same vantage point. I invite you to come along on my year-long journey with me.

Week 21: It was a drizzly day today, chilly but not icy cold. Wet enough to make me dodge between the raindrops to take the pictures. We’re near Imbolc, but spring has a ways to go before we see signs of it. And here, spring usually means the return of the rains that died down a bit during winter. That huge field, in the second picture each week? Is a dog park where people can bring their dogs to run off leash. It usually takes me time to wait for a clear vantage shot. Believe it or not, this dog park is constantly packed!

trees trees


A Year of Marymoor: Week 21
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One thought on “A Year of Marymoor: Week 21

  • 01/30/2017 at 1:31 pm

    Thank you so much for the updates.
    Stay healthy and dry please!

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