Legend of the Jade Dragon

I’ve got a massive backlist out there, but I’m focusing mostly on my indie releases now, which a lot of my readers haven’t heard of yet. So we’re going to be putting up excerpts of the indie work I’ve done—both full length and short collections, each Wednesday, to encourage you to give my new work a try.

Today’s excerpt comes from Legend of the Jade Dragon

Tarot cards seldom lie. So when they predict chaos and bad luck for her last client of the day, Emerald gets more than a little worried. He leaves behind a charming jade statue of a dragon–but promptly dies in a hit-and-run accident outside of her shop. When other terrible things begin to plague Em and her family, the only explanation is the jade dragon. To thwart its evil spell, she’ll have to follow a trail of heartache all the way back to China’s Ming Dynasty–and its ancient–and sometimes harsh–mysteries.

Buy Links:

KINDLE: https://goo.gl/g2gfXW

NOOK: https://goo.gl/lfUFXn

ITUNES: https://goo.gl/hbKanA 

KOBO: https://goo.gl/gB19zF


“I’d like to schedule Monday readings for Mother and myself.” Farrah had become one of my most loyal and most annoying tarot clients. At times, I dreaded seeing her come in the door. She usually didn’t really need a reading, she just liked to tell her friends about her “psychic,” which irritated the hell out of me.

I stared at my Day-Timer, packed with a flurry of scribbled names and times, longing to take a giant eraser to the whole list. The money was good, but I just didn’t want to handle the cards for a while so soon after Daniel’s untimely end. Well, somebody had said honesty was the best policy. I’d find out if they were right. “You know what, Farrah? I’m taking the rest of the month off. I’m just plum worn out.”

She patted my arm. “It must be quite a drain on your power. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have people dying on you right and left. I can see how you need some time to recuperate. How about May first? I believe that’s a Tuesday?”

Yeah. Drain on my powers. Oh yep. My powers of patience, I thought, penciling her in for May Day. While I was thinking about it, I leaned around the corner and motioned to Lana. “After the rush dies down, I want you to notify my tarot clients for the rest of April that I’m canceling all my appointments through the end of the month. Don’t schedule anybody until May, okay?”

She nodded. I handed her the appointment book and escorted Lydia to a chair next to my desk, where she sat, tapping her impeccably polished nails on the wooden arm. She just wanted to know if her special order had arrived yet, so I dug through the pile of receipts until I found her invoice and matched it to a teapot in the storeroom. I wrapped the pot and filled out the invoice so she could pay Lana at the counter. She gave me a cheery wink as she headed out the door. “Don’t let them get you down, Emerald. Just ride the waves.” She swooshed her hand through the air. “Go with the flow.”



Backlist Blitz Excerpts: Legend of the Jade Dragon

One thought on “Backlist Blitz Excerpts: Legend of the Jade Dragon

  • 06/01/2017 at 7:50 am

    I just loved this book, and I am reading the series for a second time. 🙂

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