It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today it’s: Back to back Brighid and Caly! It’s Caturday Tagged on: cats It's Caturday
Midge07/30/2017 at 1:00 pmPermalink They look so comfy! Our new adopted cat Riley also loves our bed. He is often found on it stretched out like this. They are so cute! Reply
Charlie07/29/2017 at 5:27 pmPermalink I can’t help it… every week when I click on this, a tiny voice in my head sings “Caturday, in the park, I think it was the Fourth of July…” Reply
They look so comfy! Our new adopted cat Riley also loves our bed. He is often found on it stretched out like this. They are so cute!
I can’t help it… every week when I click on this, a tiny voice in my head sings “Caturday, in the park, I think it was the Fourth of July…”
*laughing* I think that’s pretty funny!
Awwww, what beautiful fur babies!