We’re into September–heading into my favorite part of the year! I’ve got my early autumn decorations up (I put them up shortly after Lughnasadh)–the autumn leaves, early harvest decorations. I’m trying to keep myself from raiding the back-to-school sales because I don’t NEED any more office supplies, and I’m waiting for our rainy season to begin. So, every September, I watch Dead Poet’s Society at some point. It’s one of the hallmark movies for me that signifies we’ve reached a turning point in the year, that summer is–yes–on its way out.

What for you signifies the turn of the season? Is it back-to-school? Is it a feeling? A tang in the air?

Brain Candy Friday
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2 thoughts on “Brain Candy Friday

  • 09/15/2017 at 8:23 pm

    Autumn starts when the Fall & Halloween decorations start going up in the stores. The craft stores start first. Here in Virginia, the heat & humidity can sometimes last into October. Sometimes we’ll get a break with temps in the 70’s & lower humidity, but it might only last a week. This week it’s the 80’s with moderate humidity.

  • 09/11/2017 at 5:03 am

    Autumn for me starts with the slight crispness in the air. Some of my plants go to sleep till spring, some awaken.


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