It’s time for my annual autumn contest! One winner will receive a tote bag o’ goodies, but you can only win if you follow the entry rules:
- You must be 18 or over to enter.
- You must live in the USA (postage, people). (If you live outside the US but have a friend in the US you can have the tote bag shipped to and then you pay them to ship it to you outside the US, that’s fine). (NOTE: if you do choose to have the basket sent to someone and they flake out on you, we are NOT liable for replacing it).
- You must answer the question below in the comments field.
- You must be subscribed to my blog (you can subscribe on the sidebar to the right–if you’re on mobile, the sign up will be below the posts).
The entry question: You get to spend Halloween babysitting one of my characters: Either Samanatha the cat and her kittens from the Chintz ‘n China Series, Maggie the gargoyle from Otherworld, or Bubba the cjinn from Bewitching Bedlam. Who do you choose and why?
Contest entries close on October 6, 2017, at midnight Pacific time, and the winner will be notified by email by Sunday, October 8th. Winner will have one week to answer from the date we send the email, or we will pick another winner, so check your spam filters by October 9th.
Autumn Contest
I pick Bubba! I feel like we could lounge around together, relax, and watch a movie! I just won’t pet his belly ! I’m over 18 and in the US.
My son loves cat, but he plays a little rough for kitties. So I’m gonna say Maggie 🙂 I’ve always liked how comforting she is to the sisters, plus her, my baby, and hopefully Misty might pop up, it’s just a promising night for adventure 😉
Over 18 and already subscribed.
Maggie would be fun to watch, and I’m curious what similarities there would be between her and my daughters when they were little. I’m over 18 and living in the USA (wasn’t that a song in the 80’s?).
Oh Maggie, for sure. She can play with my 3 cats and 6 kittens.
I would choose Maggie! My kids are getting older and I have baby fever! Plus, I feel like she would have fun playing with my littles. *Side Note: it wouldn’t hurt that I would get an eyeful of the man candy that would relieve me at the end of the night.
I would have to go with Maggie. I have “known her for so long and would love to play with her. You have given her such a wonderful personality. Plus I have 2 cats, Bubble and Squeak and they are not fans of other cats. I am definetly over 18 and in New Jersey.
Over 18 in Tennessee. You handed us a toughie this time! But as much as I love Maggie and gargoyles in general, I still have to pick Bubba because, who doesn’t want their belly rubbed? I already get to tickle the belly of the (sorry everyone…) most beautiful cat alive at the moment, and somehow, I think Bubba and my Clayton (named after a particularly good-looking werewolf) would get alone great!
This is a really tough one… Maggie is absolutely adorbs, and spending Samhain with a gargoyle baby would be awesome. That being said, I would have to choose the belly-happy Bubba. What better way to spend a magical night than with the orange tabby with the magical belly? There would be so many belly rubs and wishes gone upside-down and sideways! I’d make it rain candy corn on the yard and have the treats dispense themselves into the goodie bags. My Halloween decorations would be dancing around like the cleaning implements in Fantasia, and I would wish for my ancestors to spend the evening with me (well, the ones that were invited for holidays while they were alive, anyway). A cjinn would bring a whole new level of meaning to ‘mischief night!’ Sure, the cleanup and damage control would be hellacious the next day, but it seems a fair trade to make in exchange for the magic.
I’m well over 18 and live in North Carolina. Can you blame me for being crazy enough to take a chance making wishes on an efreeti?! NC is pretty humdrum!
Maggie definitely because who wouldn’t want to babysit a baby gargoyle. I think she would be a treat to watch because she is such a curious little thing. I think she would be a treat for trick or treaters to see. I dont know how would be more scared maggie or the kids.
As much as I love Maggie and Bubba, I would have to go with Samantha and the kittens. My parents say my first word was “horsie” and my second was “kitty” and I loved both. Unfortunately I was terribly allergic to cats when I was younger and could not have one in the house. When I was 4 my dad brought one home from our friend the vet as a birthday present but it had to live in the barn. I named him Sam. It was a good name for a good friend until HE had kittens. Needless to say we changed her name to Samantha…..LOL Since then I have always had a cat by the name of Sam or Samantha.
I would love to babysit Maggie. I love her origin story as a rescue and I’ve enjoyed watching her grow. I’d have to say no to Bubba and Samantha due to allergies, LOL.
Maggie, definitely. I’ve loved watching her grow up and seeing her personality shine.
I would like to babysit Bubba. I would rub the belly and wish to heal my dad’s cancer. It’s been a very emotional time right now and kitty love calms me and heals my heart. Even when the wishes don’t turn out quite right it will add laughter to my days! Gotta love the Bubba belly! I imagine it’s quite soft!
They would all be fun but I would have to pick Maggie. I have known her longer, she can be a handful but she is adorable so mild scolding would be the limit and she will take years to be big enough you can not carry her around where ever you go. Bonus– she is a gargoyle and they are amazing. Their history is as ancient as the forests and mountains. I mean, you get to play with history.
I am well over 18 ( I have four great grand kids) and live in Kansas
I’m over 18,
I from Venezuela, but I have friend in US
I would like taking care of Maggie, since the first time I read of her, I fell completely with the little gargoyle, I’d love to take care of her even for one night, and to be able to teach her to speak Spanish. 🙂
I would have to choose Maggie. She is simply amazing. I love her in the books and want a baby gargoyle of my own.
Maggie! I’m always up for a cuddle session with little ones. Over 18 and in the U.S.
Definitely Maggie. I love gargoyles and she is just so cute. I think it would be riot babysitting her.
Maggie for sure!! i’ve always been interested in gargoyles and a cute baby one – how fun!! And to chat with the sisters would be amazing too!!
over 18 and in the US
I would have to say Maggie. I fell in love with her from the very start. I can’t get enough of her.
(over 18 and in the U.S.)
Samanatha the cat and her kittens because we have a few cats ourselves at least I know how to semi take proper care of them XD.
Maggie, I fell in love with her a long time ago I have read and re read every book in the OW series so many times and as much as I love the ladies ans their men Maggie has always had me i want her lol she is so cute and soft and you have years of her just being a tot. Makea me wish gargoyles were real and everywhere Maggie!
I would have to say Maggie hands down. She’s not of this realm and she’s quirky and sweet. I think Maggie and I would have loads of fun while I was baby sitting. And I bet she give great snuggles too. ^_^
Over 18 in the US
Over 18.
In the US.
I’d babysit Maggie. She’s so adorable & precocious. I love any & all scenes that involve her. Thanks for the giveaway!
I love Maggie, but Bubba sounds like he’d be a good time. I’ll admit I’m almost 3 times over 18!
Bubba the cjinn. I just want to rub his belly ;). I am over q8 and live in the US.
Over 18. Maybe I’ll rub his belly and wish I could type on a mobile device better…..
Maggie, because she is my favorite
I am over 18 and I live in the United States
Why are you making me choose???? LOL This is so hard! OK…… I have to go with Maggie. I have loved that little girl since Camille first fished her out of the demons lunch pail. She just represents innocence to me. Which is so very rare. Her love is just so pure and her story is heartbreaking. The fact that she is going to be a baby for years and years also gets me. My baby is growing up so fast (shes now 8) that sometimes I just wish time would slow. just for a min. lol I think she stands for the loss of innocence that the sisters have had to face. I don’t want to say they have grown but they have. Maybe matured is a better word to use. They have each lost some part of themselves but have at the same time gained so much. She makes them actually sit down and enjoy the moment. Pure joy and childlike innocence.
Maggie! She’d be so fun to take trick or treating with my littles!
I choose samantha and kittens because I really like that series and I do not have any cats currently to snuggle with. I am over 18 and live in the USA.
This was a hard choice but I chose Samantha and the kittens. Kittens are just so playful and sweet. Plus that was the first series I read by you and it made me long for my own cat, unfortunately my mom was allergic. Now I have my cat and enjoy her company.
52/Bethany Oklahoma
I would pick Maggie forsure and I hope to find more about her in your books.
I’m torn between Maggie and Bubba. I’ve loved them both since first reading about them. I’m afraid with Bubba that I would accidentally ask for something while rubbing his belly though. I rub my cats bellies whenever they’ll let me (lol) and I absent mindedly think about all sorts of things while doing it. So for that reason, I guess I would actually watch Maggie just to be on the safe side
I’m over 18 and live in NC
I would pick Maggie because she is cute, cuddly and furry. I admit I am attracted to the cat like qualities and her sweet disposition. I love reading about her and it would be such a treat to meet her in person and be able to spend some time snuggling with her. I’m definitely over 18 years old, love animals especially ones you could hold and cuddle. I bet Maggie would love to try out some of the cat toys my cat Riley plays with and maybe even the ones he has decided not to play with (for secret cat reasons).
I am over 18 and I live in the US.
If I had to babysit one I would have to choose Maggie because it would be a very entertaining time and educational experience, to say the least! A toddler is a handful but it would be a fun night!
Halloween always gets a bit boozy for me and mine so I’d have to say Samantha and the kittens. I don’t think I could handle a toddler or resist Bubba’s belly while intoxicated. Plus I love tiny, fluffy, cuddly critters!
Hi, I am over 18 and live in the U.S.
I would have to say Bubba, because look at the adventures you could have. It would you watching that crafty cjinn, it would be you along for whatever ride Bubba wanted to take you on !! 🙂
Oh this is Jessica again lol, sorry. I am 0ver 18 and live in the U.S.
Maggie because she sounds like so much fun and hey adorable baby gargoyle, I love gargoyles!!
I would have to say Samantha and the kittens. Those babies picked Emerald out when she went to the shelters they knew how special she is. And poor Samantha, trading places with the ghost kitty. I would snuggle all of them and spoil them rotten.
I am over 18 and live in the US. I would like to babysit Samantha and her kittens…it would be enjoyable to play with kittens again.
I would like to babysit Maggie because she is unique. I think that we would get along great and have a great time together. I live in the US and am way over 18. Thank you for the awesome giveaway.
I do love Maggie but it would HAVE to be Samantha! I’m a cat person and our black cat is named after Samantha. She showed up as a 9-week-old kitten outside our house – 9 years ago. I think of your Samantha often when our is being particularly lovey.
As much as I love Bubba, I would worry too much with him. It’s Maggie for me!!! I have always loved how she is described, it is so different from my original mindset of gargoyles. Plus the fact that she is starting to talk. Hands down Maggie. Plus I may get to hand her over to either of the dragons!!! Yum
Great Q! I’m torn btwn Maggie and Bubba. But I think Maggie – b/c she’s so super cute!!! And we could play fun games. (In the USA and over 18).
I think I would have to pick….ok, who am I kidding? How could I pick? A gargoyle, a cjinn, or a mystical cat who has visited the underworld? I’d take a day with all three! A chance to cuddle Maggie, and learn about her physiology and her lovely personality, hanging with Bubba, DO NOT TOUCH THE TUMMY! A cat with intellect greater than mine I’m sure! And the lovely Samantha, destined to walk more worlds than me! That would be a Halloween to remember! I’m definitely over 18, and live in the US!
Holy moly! Maggie all day long! She is perfect for that baby fix when you wish your kids were still little but they will never be little again. I miss my baby girl (she’s 21 now)! I would love some Maggie snuggles <3
I would have to choose Maggie! She is too cute & cuddly to pass up a chance to babysit her. Fun!
I am over 18 (way over)
I love in US
Bubba hands down. He is the most original character yet in all the books I have read. We would sit back with some spooky movies and not so good for you snacks for the best Halloween night ever. Of no!!! There’s that belly looking for a rub. USA and 54 years young.
I would definitely choose to babysit Maggie! There are days when I need hugs and cuddles, and Maggie gives great ones!
I am over 18
Live in OK, USA
Good luck to everyone!
I would choose Bubba! I just love that series and would love to be a part of it but it would definitely be a challenge since my babies (poms) love belly rubs! I’m well over 18 and live in California!
Maggie, she stole my heart from the beginning. Her unconditional love for her extended family, including Menolly makes me happy and I just want to snuggle her.
Over 18 and live in the US.
I am over 18 live in the USA. I would pick Maggie. I’ve loved her since the sisters found her.
I’m over 18 and live in the USA. I would pick Maggie. She’s cute and cuddly. We would hand out candy and play.
I would definitely say Maggie. I would love to look after her because I believe she brings a joy to everyone around her, and I would love to get to experience some of that joy. Ever since my husband introduced me to these books I have read them over and over. Maggie is always one of my favorite things to read about.
Samantha and her babies. Though mischievous they may be, I would love to pet and play with them and watch Halloween movies with them. Purr therapy for my anxiety disorder LOL. I am 29 years old living in the USA, Tennessee and a blog followerer
I would definitely want to babysit for Maggie! The baby gargoyle is so cute and cuddly and she is an inquisitive toddler that I’d love to get to know. She has intregued me from the start since the sisters rescued her. She is growing up too fast!
I would want to babysit Bubba for sure! It would be tempting to rub his belly but who knows the kind of mischief and fun we could get into! Plus he’s just adorable!
I’m over 18 and live in the U.S.
I’m gunna have to say Bubba… he seems so full of personality and I would love to see what kind of mischief he would get in. Even better if mr Peabody joins him lol. So long as no belly grooming happens. Then again….. it could make for a more interesting babysitting experience!!!
I didn’t mean bubble I meant bubba!
I’m over 18 and live in Alabama. I would love to babysit bubble because I would like to see how he would get me to rub his belly and make a wish with out me knowing until it’s done lol.
Samantha and her babies. There’s just something so soothing and refreshing about those types of little fuzzballs. I think I would curl up on the couch with the whole group cuddled up on top. What a wonderful thought!
I would choose Bubba. He might be trouble but he sounds so cute and cuddly. Especially if he “talks” to you. He sounds like my Orange Tabby George.
In USA over 18.I would pick Maggie as I want to snuggle with her and she is so cute. Bubba would be too dangerous, as I am constantly speaking to myself out loud.
I would definitely take care of Samantha and her kittens. The Chintz n China series helped me through a hard time in life by giving me an escape. And I absolutely love kitties.
I would choose Maggie, I have also been a fan since she was rescued by the sisters. I have a poster of her hanging in my creative space. I think she would be a challenge, but also a rewarding challenge. I am in Indiana and well over 18 🙂
If I could babysit one of those, I would choose Samantha and her babies. I’d be too worried about accidentally rubbing Bubba’s tummy to enjoy watching him. Maggie wouldn’t be too bad but I watch my 4, almost 5 year old grandson 5 days a week. I don’t know that I’d have the energy to handle two small ones. I really love kitty cats although I don’t have one right now since I lost my Baby. I’m just not ready to have a kitty full time but it would be fun to babysit a mama cat and her babies for a little while. I am in Oregon and way, way, way over 18.
I would go w/Bubba. I take care of my Grandchildren (almost 12, almost 10, 7, & duetoarrive beg. December) so Samantha+kits & Maggie would just be an extension of my usual day. Bubba is an adult, &, maybe, we can agree on a series to binge on Netflix.
I would choose Bubba the cjinn from Bewitching Bedlam since he can talk, and it would be fun to meet Maddie and Aegis too. I love his character, and he would be fun to meet in person and watch him.
Samantha and her babies. All the more mischief and entertainment. I couldn’t imagine Halloween without my kitties and entertainment. I am over 18 and live in the US.
I would love to babysit Bubba. It would be hard not to rub his belly. The aftermath of rubbing his belly would most definitely be an adventure. I would need Maddie and Aegis’s help trying to fix. But it would be a lot of fun!
Hi. Maggie for sure because I’ve loved her since she made her appearance. I think the kids Trick or Treating would love her too, and it would be fun for her.
Way over 18
Am 18
Live in NYC
I would choose Bubba call me crazy but I like some chaos and you know Bubba will definitely provide that. Be a fun night! Lol
Hard to choose but Bubba wins out. I had a yellow, tiger striped cat when I was a kid (many, many moons ago) and Bubba reminds me of Mikey (big M on his forehead). I’m old so sitting and petting a cat is what I do best. No belly rubs though. I’m well over 18 and live is the US.
I live in the US and am over 18. Well for sure Maggie!! I would get the chance to meet all those hot men and even hotter sisters!! Oh and Iris, oh my I would love to meet that little firecracker!!
Maggie definitely! I’ve always been fascinated with gargoyles and she’s one of my favorites. I’m over 18 and live in the US!
I would choose Maggie. I love when we learn more about her in your books. I think it would be neat and interesting to see her intellect. I have 4 nephews and 2 nieces, so lots of stuff for her to play with around the house. ☺
This is a really hard one. Love them all but would have to sy Bobba, the chance to try to communicate with him would be too much to pass up no touching the belly though.
Maggie because she seems so curious about the world around her and would love to snuggle her like everyone in the OW series does.
I’m over 18 and live in the US.
Maggie because I’m curious about the way she looks, feels, smells as well as curious about her intelligence as a gargoyle. I would probably spoil her a little.
I’m definitely over 18, from California.
I would love to babysit Maggie. I am fascinated by her, and how she has grown throughout the series.
Definitely Maggie.
I have been intrigued by her from the start.
Love that she gets to stay little for so long!
It would be a cuddly adventure!
Im over 18 and in US