I’ve got a massive backlist out there, but I’m focusing mostly on my indie releases now, which a lot of my readers haven’t heard of yet. So we’re going to be putting up excerpts of the indie work I’ve done—both full length and short collections, each Wednesday, to encourage you to give my new work a try.

Today’s excerpt comes from Scent to Her Grave.

Buy Links:


Kindle: https://goo.gl/2GU2DW

Nook: https://goo.gl/ydU6uy

iBooks: https://goo.gl/VzQksu

Kobo: https://goo.gl/aAF9b6

Hmm. Sounded like Kyle was fishing for information that he might suspect Auntie and I were hiding. Maybe, but then again, maybe not. His concern for our safety seemed genuine. I sighed and ignored the thought that he was using Jared to get info out of me. No use in stirring the pot, and I might be wrong. What puzzled me was his trust in Jared’s confidence. “What makes him think that you’d tell him anything I confided to you?”

“I asked him that,” Jared said. “He said that he knew I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you, so I’d better let him know what was going on.”

Well, that answered that. Kyle was worried about us, but why? He already had Trevor in custody. Maybe he knew something that we didn’t. If so, I knew we’d never pry it out of him. We weren’t exactly friends, and even Auntie wouldn’t be able to squeeze him on official business. I changed the subject, launching into a discussion about my upcoming self-defense class. Jared had volunteered to play the part of the attacker; he wore padding to give my students someone to practice on. A good sport about it, he was as thrilled as I was when one of the timid students opened up and really let fly.

After breakfast, Auntie and I took off for the shop. The weather hadn’t made up its mind yet about what it wanted to do. Patches of sky were peeking between clouds that threatened to make good on their promise of more rain, but it looked like the sun would have a brief foray before they took over. I inhaled deeply. The scent of water permeated the air; we’d be drenched before night. Spring in western Washington—water, water, and more water.

Tawny was waiting next to the bakery. Good to her word, she had refused to open up alone. I unlocked the door and propped it open to clear out the last lingering hints of burnt sage, while my aunt disappeared into the office. Tawny looked around, a nervous glint in her eye.

Backlist Blitz Excerpt: Scent to Her Grave
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2 thoughts on “Backlist Blitz Excerpt: Scent to Her Grave

  • 10/19/2017 at 10:40 pm

    Hey there, so i have been out of the loop on whats been going on with your books, your writing, and the direction you are going in but i just read a past blog of what’s been going on (you blocked comments on the post but i wanted to say a few words). First i have to say that it is awesome that you are going out on your own and doing your own thing. Second i thank you for also finishing the otherworld series, It shows you are committed to not only your fans but to the characters and world you created. It was also the first series that introduced me to your writing (Witchling in 2006). I randomly gave it a try when i bought it in Borders 11 years ago and have not been disappointed with the adventures of the D’ Artigo Sisters ( those stories definitely brought me joy during some big changes in my life so they will always hold a special place in my heart) . I have also read your other series as well ( Indigo Court, Fly by Night, and Whisper Hollow). It is sad to see some of them cut short however I’m glad that you are still giving us new worlds to explore with your indie books. Im sure having control of your work entirely is going to enhance your writing even more. Im looking forward to your Wild Hunt series and I am going to be looking into Fury Unbound. I wish you luck and success in this new venture. No mater what you will always have a fan in this corner.

    • 10/20/2017 at 8:28 am

      Thank you, Alex. I blocked comments because I was getting a lot of flack and ‘yes-buts’…sad to say but true. I appreciate your support and I hope you like the new worlds!

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