I’ve got a massive backlist out there, but I’m focusing mostly on my indie releases now, which a lot of my readers haven’t heard of yet. So we’re going to be putting up excerpts of the indie work I’ve done—both full length and short collections, each Wednesday, to encourage you to give my new work a try.


Today’s excerpt comes from Legend of the Jade Dragon.


Book Page to find buy links: https://goo.gl/kfnpQK


Horvald Ledbetter was coming up the stairs, a concerned expression on his face. “What happened? I saw the police cars and came over to see if you were okay.” He looked worried, and I realized that maybe my neighborhood wasn’t so aloof after all. I started to introduce him to Murray, then stopped. Great. Oliver, Ida’s nephew, was right behind him. He startled Horvald as he pushed past the older man and craned his neck, trying to get a glimpse of the broken window.


“I saw the police from my aunt’s house,” Oliver said.


“Somebody decided I needed to redecorate.” I motioned for them to find a seat. “Did either of you notice anybody strange around the neighborhood this evening?”


Oliver shrugged. “I’m afraid that I wouldn’t know who’s a stranger and who isn’t, at least not yet. I’m sorry about your window, though. That looks pretty nasty.”


Horvald plopped himself down on the porch swing. “Strangers? Let me think.”


I rubbed my temples, my headache threatening to explode into a migraine. Horvald pulled out a roll of Menty-Mints and offered me one. I gratefully accepted the mint-chocolate cream. Chocolate made everything better.


Oliver pushed past Murray, toward the door. “I’ll be glad to give you a hand cleaning up.” Ida would have made the same offer, but truth was, I just didn’t want strangers mucking about in my house.


I shook my head. “No thanks, I’ll take care of it.”


He blew off my concerns. “Don’t worry about it. My aunt told me to give you a hand whenever I had the chance, and I’m not going to let her down.”



Backlist Blitz Excerpt: Legend of the Jade Dragon

2 thoughts on “Backlist Blitz Excerpt: Legend of the Jade Dragon

  • 12/15/2017 at 2:29 pm

    Hey Lady bug What happened to My girls the 3 sisters? I know u had to make a change . With publishing them. Are u stilling writing then, and if u r where can i get some?

    • 12/17/2017 at 11:48 pm

      Yes Ms. Galenorn is finishing the Sisters’ series. You can get them in e-book format on Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and iBooks, and you can order them through Print on Demand (POD) through Amazon.

      Moonshimmers which is Camille’s last book is out now.
      Knight Magic a Camille novelette will be out in January 2018
      Harvest Song which is Delilah’s last book will be out in May 2018
      Blood Bonds the last Menolly, as well as last Otherworld, book will be out in 2019.

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