A couple of years ago around this time, I started a project called my Year of Trees. I took a picture of the same street every week for a year, noting the changes to the trees that line that road and then put it into a video. I really enjoyed it and a number of my readers did too, so I decided to reprise it. But I wanted to focus on a different area. So I decided to go to Marymoor Park, a large park in the area with a number of vantage points and took a year of pictures there. Now, I’m starting a third year and decided to make it easier on me. A year in my yard, focusing on the walkway, my Japanese lace maple, and the front walk. So without any more ado…here we go.

Week 17:  So, yes, the decorations are still up–my assistant was out sick this last week and that’s her job, so they’ll come down this week. I’m ready for all decorations to be put away. Now. It’s been wet and rainy and more wet, and cool. Which is typical winter weather for us, and I’m grateful that we’re not caught in the icebox that is the rest of the nation. It’s green and pretty and the rain we get is the reason for that. I’m starting to think about flowers for spring and what do I want to plant in the yard…not spring fever by any means, but thinking…thinking…thinking… *grins*

A Year in My Yard: Week 17
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One thought on “A Year in My Yard: Week 17

  • 01/07/2018 at 11:33 am

    I love this blog. Great project idea for my granddaughter & I.
    Thank you!


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