I’ve got a massive backlist out there, but I’m focusing mostly on my indie releases now, which a lot of my readers haven’t heard of yet. So we’re going to be putting up excerpts of the indie work I’ve done—both full length and short collections, each Wednesday, to encourage you to give my new work a try.


Today’s excerpt comes from Moon Swept.

Book Page to find buy links: http://galenorn.com/book/moon-swept/


Forbidden Love (Camille)


Menolly wrapped her arm around me, her mass of copper curls tickling my shoulder. “I know. I know.” She glanced around the kitchen. “Why don’t you take a break? I can make sure dinner’s out on time. Leethe’s here tonight and she’s not about to let things slide. Last night, you had to do it all yourself with Tres’s help and that girl can’t cook her way out of an open cart.”


Im-Purrfect Match (Delilah)


“Yeah, but we don’t have much of a choice. Here…you take this list, and use that computer terminal over there. Let me show you what to do.” He motioned for me to sit down, then leaned over my shoulder. The smell of spice and beef and cologne all mixed together in what was suddenly an intoxicating scent. I blinked as I realized that he smelled tasty. I usually didn’t react much to men. I had never really thought about it, to be honest. But an odd little buzz flared inside and I couldn’t shake it off.


Shadows of Love (Menolly)


“I’ve watched you over the years, you know.” He paused as I pulled back. “I didn’t mean that to sound as creepy as it came out. I mean…you and your sisters always seem so close. You do everything together. I envy that. I’ve never felt close to anyone. My parents left me the house when they died—they were murdered, you know. Goblins, while they were on a trip.

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Backlist Blitz Excerpt: Moon Swept
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