4 thoughts on “It’s Caturday

  • 04/16/2018 at 6:29 am

    Love your furry pics. Thanks for the tip our one cat Jewel does the same thing. Our vet never suggested something like that.

  • 04/14/2018 at 3:04 pm

    Why is there a rose quartz heart in the kibble bowl?

    If it brings peace to the cats, I just might try it.

    • 04/15/2018 at 8:07 pm

      Because Brighid is a scarfer–she gulps her dry food and that makes her throw up. So the vet said to put something in the bowl to slow them down. I chose a rose quartz heart. BUT…and this is a big caveat–if you use stones, make sure it’s one that is safe to put into food. Here’s a list: Safe/Unsafe Crystals. I’m actually probably going to switch over to a couple very large (so the cats can’t possibly swallow them) heavy glass spheres, though.

      • 04/15/2018 at 9:07 pm

        Thanks for the information. That’s an interesting site. I just may have to pull out my stones from the drawer where I put them away. 🙂


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