Today’s excerpt comes from Harvest Song.

Series Page link: Otherworld

Book Page for Buy links: Harvest Song

I gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. “I’m just grateful that I passed muster.” I glanced around at everybody else. “All right, then. Let’s get this party started. Camille, Menolly, did you know about this?”

They nodded, grinning.

Iris piped up. “Of course we knew about it. Do you think that the guys could pull this off on their own? Hanna and I worked for several days on the food. We cooked it all at my house so that you wouldn’t see it.”

I perked up at that. “There’s food? Cake? Please tell me there’s cake!”

Hanna laughed. “Of course there’s cake. This party’s for you, so it’s jam packed full of sugary sweets. And Cheetos.”

After that, we got into full swing, trooping into the kitchen to the big buffet that was spread across the dining room table. It felt like old times, with all of us gathered together. As they brought out presents, it dawned on me that I was getting married in less than two weeks. There was still a part of me that wanted to run away, not because I didn’t love Shade but because everything was moving so fast that it made my head spin. I was a cat. I didn’t like change, even when I knew it was for the best.

As the evening wore away, people made their farewells until it was just our core group left. Camille and her husbands, with her guards keeping watch outside. Nerissa and Menolly, and Vanzir and Roz stayed. Bruce left for home to take over care of the twins. His mother was still visiting from the summer. The Duchess had arrived in early June to help Iris while Bruce taught a course in Ireland for two months. She had stuck around after he returned in August. As much as the leprechaun might put on airs, she was always available to help out when needed. It occurred to me that, even though she was looking forward to a grandchild, Seratha wouldn’t be quite the same type of doting grandmother. I doubted we could call her to dash over from the Netherlands to babysit on date night.

Excerpt: Harvest Song
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