Stay Inspired!

Today, I want to talk about how to shift perspective. We’ve talked about the need to shift our perspective in the past, but what occurred to me last night was that sometimes, people have a hard time looking at something in a different light because they don’t know how. It’s easy to get so stuck in one mindset that you just can’t see how to turn something around.

I’m not saying this will work for situations that are tearing our hearts apart, but by taking a negative situation and finding a positive way to look at it, shifts the energy. It doesn’t mean you’re ignoring the problems, but by looking at what you have to stand on, it’s easier to figure out how to make things better.change your thoughts and you will change the world

I was hanging out too long on Twitter, and getting terribly upset over what’s going on with the immigrant children being detained, with the administration and all it’s doing, and so forth. But then, when I was texting my best friend, it suddenly hit me. I sent her a message saying, “You know one of the positives about this administration is that it’s showing us just what people are like. It’s ripping open the festering wounds so we can clean them out.” Just by saying that, I saw some of the positives that can come out of this. You can’t heal an injury if you let the pus fester. So, I found a positive to what is an overwhelming disaster. It’s a way I can look at it, work with it.

abundanceSo how does this work on a personal level? Well, I just recently had to pay the IRS more than I had expected (my ex-accountant had messed up). So I had to cut a painful check to them. But…I sat here, thinking, we’ll, it means I made a decent amount of money. And I was able to save up the money to pay them without it hurting our lifestyle. Those are positive things. Now, did it take the sting off letting go of that money? Not totally, but it gave me a new way to look at it.

Another example: My histamine intolerance. It’s hard to be positive about losing so many options and favorite foods…but when I stop and go, “What’s the positive I can take out of this?” I think: “I know what’s going on now. I know why my body is reacting the way it has been. I don’t have to sit here guessing as to what’s wrong.” And even though it meant a massive amount of changes, it also brought some stress relief because it’s easier to know, than to constantly be wondering.

And then, there’s cutting down on my caffeine. Was I happy that I had to finally face how much I was drinking was hurting my body? HELL NO. But…but…I’m grateful, very grateful, that finally something seems to be helping the pain and inflammation in my knees. So cutting down to two shots of espresso a day? Yes, I’m a little sad, but…but…I’m so happy that it has noticeably helped.

And here’s a little secret: the minute you start re-framing the negatives into positives, it will shift more than just that situation–it will begin shifting your perceptions of the world, and as we know, the more we look for the positives, the more joy and happiness we find.

Tell me how you can reframe something to a positive in your life? And I do mean truly reframe it. And truly mean it.

Inspiration Corner: Re-framing Negatives into Positives
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3 thoughts on “Inspiration Corner: Re-framing Negatives into Positives

  • 06/24/2018 at 3:20 pm

    When I was first diagnosed with HIV I was in a super dark place (which is common), and then I found an online support group. In that support group I came in contact with a wonderful man who is a few years younger than I am. He was doing several different activism projects, and it made me think if this guy can turn this into a positive thing in his life so can I.

    I then started sharing my story online to as many places as I could. I joined a game called Pos or Not (which I recently found out is no longer available) and have done a couple of blog spot interviews. I am very lucky to have come in contact with several others who are activists in their own ways, and they all helped me through some darker times. Because of them I’ve found that sharing my story helps me re-frame what could be considered a negative into a positive.

    I try to celebrate my poziversary (anniversary of when I was diagnosed) every year, which may seem strange to some. The reason I do this is because when I was first diagnosed I didn’t think I would live to see 30 much less 41, and so I celebrate still being here fighting every year. I plan to be here for a very long time to come.

  • 06/24/2018 at 11:59 am

    Well this blog has certainly given me something to think about. Thanks for giving me a nudge to quit wallowing in the discomfort of a flare from fibromyalgia, Sjogren’s Syndrome & Arthritis. I have good health otherwise, except for my hips, & friends who are closer than family. They help me when I need it. So I need to quit missing what I don’t have & start appreciating more the things that I do. Perspective! Thanks!

  • 06/24/2018 at 11:06 am

    You made me think, Yasmine, and I discovered that I don’t have very many negatives in my life, which is a blessing for which I am thankful. One thing did come to mind – I have, for quite a while, been living a low-carb lifestyle. I started with the hope of losing weight and managing my blood sugar. I have lost minimal weight, but my blood sugars are excellent, my cholesterol numbers are beautiful, and the biggest positive of all is that I am no longer ravenously hungry 24 hours/day.


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