Stay Inspired!

Today’s inspiration corner comes to you in the form of a poem. Just a little bit of tough love from me to you.

How bad do you want it?
Do you want it bad enough to put in extra hours after your regular job?
Do you want it bad enough to get up early and write before you go to work?
Do you want it bad enough so that you keep your old car and stash away the money you would have spent on a new one so you can actually take that trip to Ireland?
Do you want it bad enough to actually audition at the local theater group and spend five nights a week rehearsing for a month?
Do you want it bad enough to take business classes at night after a long days work in order to open up your own shop and become your own boss?
Do you want it bad enough to put your heart and soul in it?
Do you want it bad enough to work your butt off to make your dreams come true?
Do you want it bad enough to realize that nobody’s going to hand you your dream on a silver platter, that what makes it really special is the journey getting there, that the journey itself is what makes you who you are at the end of the day?
What ever you want, whatever you want to be — to do — to see — to experience, how bad do you want it?
Do you want it bad enough to make it happen?

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Inspiration Corner: How Bad Do You Want It?
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5 thoughts on “Inspiration Corner: How Bad Do You Want It?

  • 08/05/2018 at 12:51 pm

    Very well said. It is applicable at any time of life. Thanks.

  • 08/05/2018 at 11:21 am

    Been doing all of that and more, such as wanting it bad enough that I used my breaks at work to get stuff done. And bad enough that I’ve been asking questions about anything and everything to the people at work to learn more. One advantage to working in the finance department despite not being an accountant. Plus, I’m finally feeling like myself for the first time in years.


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