Stay Inspired!

Good morning, good morning, good morning! Time for another day of Inspiration Corner, and I have to say, I’m glad I started this part of the blog. It makes me think as well as hopefully offering you ideas to think over. 

I DO want to reiterate, because of a comment that I removed from the blog last week, I’m not here to be your guru, and I’m not here to solve your problems. That’s not my job, and if it was, you’d be handing me over big bucks to be a life coach. (Or therapist, as the case may warrant). I’m a writer, who enjoys blogging. And with Inspiration Corner, I hope to offer you something to think about, to present a new perception on the vagaries of both life and writing.

Anyway, now that that is cleared up, today I want to talk about the creative nature and how important it is to address that part of yourself. Everybody has some sort of creative talent, and it’s vital to give it space to grow and breathe.

Now, my career is all about creativity, as well requiring a lot of business acumen. But…I need additional creative outlets in which to recharge and play. For me, working in a visual medium is important because I’m a very visual person. I enjoy painting, crafting with my hands, creating visual pieces and magickal tools.

get creative!It’s important to have a creative outlet that doesn’t have a deadline or isn’t geared toward making money. There’s a quiet, meditative process that comes with creation for creation’s sake.

When I paint, or when I have fun with my washi tape, or make collages, when I make a wreath or a magical tool, it’s not the same as the creativity I use in my work. It’s total play. It doesn’t matter if I finish by a certain date, it doesn’t matter if my creation’s a little rustic. All that matters is that I’m happy with it.

Even more important than that, is the journey it took to make it. The process of creating without restrictions or deadlines or concerns how others will view it.

One of the things that I have found, is that a lot of people want to take time to create, but they never seem to get around to it. There’s always something else to do, or they’re tired, or they start to pull out supplies but then wander off.

I think sometimes we feel we need permission to take time to ‘play.’ We feel like we’re wasting time, or wasting supplies, or that we’re selfish, if we spend time on a hobby that doesn’t bring in an income.

Well, here’s a simple workaround.

Two of my friends—my best friend and my niece—and I are making “play dates” once a month to get together and Art, so to speak. We’ll spend the afternoon talking and crafting. Whatever we each want to do—paint, make something with Sculpy, make a collage…doesn’t matter. Whatever inspires us at the moment. By making it a group activity, we’re much more likely to actually show up.

So tell me, what’s your creative outlet? And when is the last time you did it? And even more importantly, how are you going to make time for it in your life? As always, let’s be upbeat in the comments.

Inspiration Corner: Get Your Art On
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12 thoughts on “Inspiration Corner: Get Your Art On

  • 08/23/2018 at 7:32 am

    I love to fabric paint. I make my own stencils. I really enjoy painting . I just made a “Dungeon Master” one for my son , with our top 3 rule on it. I’m working on one for my granddaughter with s pony on it! I set aside a minimum of 1/2 hour a day. Regardless of what else is going on. It’s MY time. If it lasts longer it’s g by me.

  • 08/21/2018 at 4:45 am

    I’m proud to say that I’m a maker. I crochet, knit, embroider, sew, upcycle and just make. Lately, it’s been crochet and making mushrooms out of vintage glass dishes and vases…from mom’s estate…it’s been keeping me sane in this crazy world we live in…blessed be.

  • 08/20/2018 at 5:18 pm

    I belong to a group of women who do beadwork. My talent pretty much ends with bracelets and earrings, but some of these ladies make really beautiful things. I just love working with the stones – some glass beads but mostly things like tourmaline and rose quartz. It’s also interesting to see which stones I’m drawn to and then look up what the meaning of that stone and figure out why it interests me.

    • 08/21/2018 at 7:45 am

      I have a couple friends who bead and am constantly amazed by the beauty of what they can make. I can’t do beading due to my tendinitis but it’s pretty.

  • 08/20/2018 at 1:28 pm

    I crochet and the last time I worked on it I think was last Wednesday? I’ve been lucky that I don’t have to actively make time for it, partly because it keeps me sane and relaxes me, but also because I can grab a project and take it with me (when I don’t forget).

  • 08/20/2018 at 9:00 am

    I love painting ceramics, whether its ornaments or houses or sculptures I find it satisfying to play with color and make the object come to life. I’ve not had a lot if time to do it lately due to my real life work as a therapist and also because I’m purging things in my life to get ready for my baby due in Feb 2019.

  • 08/19/2018 at 8:26 pm

    I enjoy knitting lap rugs. I use baby blanket patterns as they’re just the right size. Some are gifts and others are donated to veteran’s hospitals.

    • 08/21/2018 at 7:46 am

      That’s a generous thing to do and a good way to have an outlet for all you create!

  • 08/19/2018 at 1:34 pm

    I have recently taken on crochet and both my best friends crochet and knit. Its been nice to sit with them and work on our various projects together. I love making scarfs and hats for friends and family and surprise them with those items. It gives me time to work on them at my own pace and when I finish then I give them to them. My mom asked me to make her a scarf and hat by mothers day and it put so much pressure on me and I had to finish that I ended up putting the crochet down for 2 months because it was not fun. When I picked it up again I was doing it for me and not for someone else. I ended up making baby hats for my new niece and my aunt. I felt accomplished and satisfied and not rushed. Now I am working on something I have been wanting to try for awhile and my best friends are going to teach me new stitches when they come to visit in 2 weeks. I am excited to learn new stuff just for me.

    • 08/19/2018 at 7:17 pm

      It makes a huge difference when you’re not trying to meet someone else’s expectations. I’m glad you’re finding the joy in it again. 🙂

  • 08/19/2018 at 9:47 am

    A monthly play date. What a great idea! I love to make jewelry and, since I retired, have time to indulge. It has given me great satisfaction to be able to devote time to something for which I had little time for years.

  • 08/19/2018 at 8:49 am

    I appreciate this blog so much today!
    With all of the craziness going on in my world these days its almost hard to give myself permission to take an hour or three with the little girls and just craft.
    This came at just the right time to start on an Autumn project.
    Thank you!


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