Stay Inspired!

Take a step. I dare you.

Take that big leap you’ve been wanting to for years!
If you’re too afraid to do that, take a big step toward it. What can you do to propel yourself out of stasis on the goal you’re aiming for?Celebrate Your Courageous Heart
Still too afraid? then take a solid step–something smaller but definite. What’s one action you can take today toward your dream goal?
Still worried? Well, take a baby step. One tiny movement forward. Just a little one.

If you’re not willing to take a baby step, then nothing I can say will help. So what will it be? Are you going to take a step this week? And what kind of step will it be?

Inspiration Corner: Taking that First Step
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2 thoughts on “Inspiration Corner: Taking that First Step

  • 08/26/2018 at 6:54 pm

    Inspiration Corner is such a favorite of mine! Thank you for sharing yourself in this way!

  • 08/26/2018 at 6:30 pm

    I’m a retired teacher but I still evaluate second language students in their English fluency. This year some of the test is going to be administered by computer. Previously it was all done through a person. This is an unfamiliar program on the state website. I enjoy working with the students ( k-6th) so I’m going to take a leap and believe that I can learn the program.

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