It’s Caturday

It's Caturday

It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today, we have Morgan, doing her ‘I-see-the-camera’ thing. Yeah.

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Tell Me Something Good

Tell Me Something Good

Tell me something good that happened this week!

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Witching Hour Cover

Today’s excerpt comes from Witching Hour. Buy links:  US: KINDLE | NOOK | iBOOKS | KOBO | PRINT UK: KINDLE |PRINT Germany: KINDLE | PRINT Canada: KINDLE | PRINT France: KINDLE | PRINT Australia: KINDLE   Excerpt: I was just about to open the door when

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Blessed Lughnasadh

Blessed Lughnasadh

Blessed Lughnasadh. May your harvests be fruitful and your sacrifices given in reverence and honor. “There were three men came out of the west, their fortunes for to try, And these three men made a solemn vow John Barleycorn must

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