Autumn Candy

Brain Candy Friday again! So, it’s spider mating season and we’ve got the giant European housespiders running around, horny as hell, and we also have the garden orb weavers out in full bloom, stringing their webs outside. I’m arachnophobic, though I do recognize their use in controlling insects. I just wish they would do it OUTSIDE and NOT across the sidewalk.

I walked out of my office the other night and almost hurt myself when I realized there was a good-sized spider hanging down in front of my office door (which was open). I almost didn’t see it and would have ended up running into it if I hadn’t caught sight of the wiggling legs.

What’s the most fearsome encounter you’ve had with any sort of insect? Let’s hear it! đŸ™‚

Brain Candy Friday
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14 thoughts on “Brain Candy Friday

  • 09/25/2019 at 5:35 pm

    20 years ago I rolled over something sharp in bed. I woke up thinking somehow broken glass was in my bed. I turned on the light and found a dead spider. Then my arm grew hot and swelled up twice it’s size, and not in a good Hulk way.
    You would think this would make me scared of spiders, but instead I talk to them, try to trap the ones in the house and carry them politely outside, and make spider Christmas ornaments. (Go google! It’s a Ukraine thing!) I even have a spider tattoo.

  • 09/21/2019 at 1:58 pm

    My story is an eye to “eyes” tale. I can’t remember exactly when this was, but I believe I was still in school. One afternoon, after school, I had my Walkman on and was dancing around in the foyer to the family room (kinda back & forth down the hall). On one trip into the foyer, I stumbled a bit, and caught myself on the front door (facing it). When I opened my eyes, I was staring at a large spider on the door! It was right level with my eyes! I yelled and pushed off the door real quick! I can’t remember if I was able to kill it with a flyswatter or not. I DO remember waiting for my heart rate to slow down for a few minutes! I was home alone, so no one hear me yell, but that was ok. I tend to be a spider killer at my house. If they stay outside, I’ll leave them be.

  • 09/21/2019 at 10:13 am

    We have these huge black flying bugs that really only come out if we’ve had a good monsoon season. We call em Texas Long Horn beetles but I do not know their official name. Well, during my kids annual swim birthday party we had one fly into the ramada and it went smack into my adult nieces face. I honestly don’t know how I ended up in my house but I was out of there!! My husband found me crying on the floor cause I ditched my kids to that thing.

  • 09/21/2019 at 10:09 am

    Not a fan of spiders either. My most recent encounter with a wasp, while driving the bus, has proven to be my worst with insects. As I was driving my route, I felt something crawling on my left thigh. I reached down to flick it off and was stung on my thigh and left pinky. It has been swelled up since. It’s itchy and painful at the same time. I poked a hole in it this morning and it’s draining clear fluid. At least it feels better since it’s draining. I believe it’s the poison from the wasp.

  • 09/21/2019 at 8:36 am

    ugh I am not a lover of spiders at all. Got bit by one in early May of this year and my face swelled up, had horrible pain and had to be rushed to the ER for treatment since I was having an allergic reaction to the venom or whatever it was. Now at work the spiders are out in full force trying to find ways in the buildings (I work in a school) and had one ‘stalk’ me all over a classroom. I would look up see it out of the corner of my eye then turn to see where it was and it would disappear. *sighs* Made me paranoid as all heck.

  • 09/21/2019 at 6:28 am

    I don’t like spiders either, but my most cringe worthy insect run in was when I was a teenager and had a tick embedded in my back. I lived with my Grandma and it took her over 45 minutes to make sure she got it all out of my skin. I still get the heebie jeebies when I get one crawling on me or my dog!! Freaks me out!!!

  • 09/20/2019 at 4:50 pm

    Personally, my experiences have been mild. However, I have an intense dislike of all bugs and arachnids. I think the closest to most fearsome was when I was in 7th grade. I was in writing class when I ran my hands through my hair and knocked a ladybug from my hair. I was so not expecting it that I screamed right there. Beyond that would probably be two weeks ago when I went digging for a microwavable bowl and when I pulled one out, I answered a question and looked down and proceeded to fall flat on my butt with a loud yelp from being startled by a dead spider in the bowl that I hadn’t expected. Ended up making the cat that the person I had been talking to claw the person from the sound. Bowl also went flying through the air too.

    • 09/20/2019 at 9:28 pm

      Well, it’s a good story to tell at a party. *grins* I do empathize!

  • 09/20/2019 at 2:58 pm

    I’m a definite insect avoider. I carry the epipen to prove it. Cutter makes a fortune off of me when I go outside. Deep Woods Off and lots of prayers are mandatory, and we just moved to Tennessee. The bugs here are amazing, and not in a good way!
    If I see a spider in the house I totally freak and my husband has to track it down and kill it.
    At least I haven’t run into a brown recluse yet, but the news keeps me informed that they do live here. UGH!!

    • 09/20/2019 at 9:29 pm

      Which insects are you allergic to? And good for carrying your EpiPen since you need to!

  • 09/20/2019 at 11:38 am

    I hate seeing daddy long legs in my bedroom right before I go to bed, I hate insects and I have a huge fear of spiders, they stay outside but once inside their dead.

    • 09/20/2019 at 9:30 pm

      Spiders seem to spark some deep primal fear in a lot of people. I read once that it’s a self-preservation instinct from our days when we were hunter/gatherers.

  • 09/20/2019 at 10:49 am

    Hands down, had a gruesome experience this spring in March.
    Was helping a friend clean out her home and rip up carpeting.
    Never saw it, thank Goddess, but got bit by a spider.
    Went home, and ended up in the hospital a few days afterward. My skin on calf was turning black and I was so sick.
    Turned out, I was bit by a brown recluse. They cut open and debrided the wound, and I spent a month on antibiotics. Ugh!
    Almost seven months later, I still have a a scar where it is , and will always have one.
    I’m arachnaphobic, but more so now, if that’s possible!

    • 09/20/2019 at 9:30 pm

      Oh man, that sounds HORRIBLE! I’m so sorry. I’m glad that you made it through and healed up, but damn, that’s scary.

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