Autumn Candy

Today on Brain Candy Friday, I am thinking about trees. We have incredible trees here, in western WA–towering over the land. I have a giant sequoia in my yard, as well as massive fir trees, a giant cedar, rowan trees (aka mountain ash), a gingko tree, a Japanese lace maple, a jasmine bush, lilac trees, and several others. I absolutely love my lilacs and the massive evergreens.

What’s the tree you identify with most? What kind of trees do you have where you live?

Brain Candy Friday
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6 thoughts on “Brain Candy Friday

  • 09/27/2019 at 8:52 pm

    One of my favorite trees are the Giant Sequoia and Fir. It reminds me of the times, as a child, that we trailer camped in Sequoia National Park. I live just north of San Jose, California so there aren’t many varieties around me. The major type of tree in Newark is Eucalyptus.

  • 09/27/2019 at 6:20 pm

    I’m not sure which tree I identify with the most. Probably oak. There was a large oak at my Grandma’s that we (my cousins & I liked to sit under, Unfortunately, it was uprooted by strong winds & lots of rain a number of years ago. My Mom said the that tree had been in Grandma’s yard for years. She liked it too. We have oaks around here as well as poplars. I’m not sure about some of the other trees. We have a few in our backyard. There are pine trees across the road.

  • 09/27/2019 at 5:48 pm

    I’m allergic to anything pine though it does remind me of Yule. But actually my tree is oak. My grandparents on my mother’s side had this huge oak with branches dragging the ground. My mom and then I loved being in that tree as kids. My mom said it’s too bad grandma was deceased by the time I came along, she would’ve loved seeing me play in that tree.

  • 09/27/2019 at 2:14 pm

    I recently moved to a new apartment. I’m on the third floor and have several large pine trees outside my window. Feels like I’m living in a tree house & I love it. Guess I love & identify with the weeping willow trees the most. They grow wherever there is a little bit of water & are among the first, if not the first, to show green after an Ohio winter. They survive & at 75 so do I.

  • 09/27/2019 at 12:52 pm

    We have quite a few types of trees in our hard ~ maple, oak , black walnut, pine, birch, and Dean apple, among others. I love birch and the the way it flutters in the breeze. I also found a piece of curvy willow, which my friend made into a walking stick for me. I just love our walnut tree, and seeing our squirrels scurrying around with their bounty in the walnuts. It warms my heart to know they have food from Mother Nature.

  • 09/27/2019 at 11:35 am

    I love trees, in my yard (rental) there are a couple really large pine trees, couple elm trees, and an amazingly beautiful maple. I live in Upstate New York, Plattsburgh. Lot’s of trees, maple is huge here. But there are oak, ash, willow, crab apple, cherry, pine, cedar, cottonwood, liliac, LOT’S OF TREES! LOL and I love them all. I think I identify most with the weeping willow and oak trees. They always feel so comforting and strong. Willow to me is very feminine and soft and oak is strong and bold. Love them =)


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