Autumn Candy

Seriously, let’s talk CANDY here. What are your favorite Halloween candies? What do you hate? Are you one of the fiends like me who LOVE candy corn? Or are you a heretic who hates it??? 🙂   What kind of fun treats do you make for the season? And that’s not even touching on Pumpkin Pie flavor. I’m Team Pumpkin all the way!

So, let’s talk all things sweet tooth!

Brain Candy Friday
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12 thoughts on “Brain Candy Friday

  • 10/09/2019 at 6:50 pm

    Never liked Candy Corn, other than a Gourmet Black Berry flavor one I found years ago in Walgreen. But still couldn’t really enjoy it as it was way to sweet stil l(But better than regular candy corn)

    Reeses, Oreo bars, Mini snickers and 3 musketeers

    as for Pumpkin… Mom asked me how I can like the pumpkin Trident gum, the donuts and I think there was one other pumpkin spice thing I liked (maybe oreos) but not like the pie. (frankly I’d prefer just the crust to eating the pie… maybeits a texture thing)

  • 10/05/2019 at 6:10 am

    I do like candy corn, but a little goes a long way. And pumpkin=yum!! My favorite candy is Snickers and probably Sour Patch Kids or Peaches (but they’re hard to find now). I have to limit sweets because I’m diabetic though.

  • 10/04/2019 at 10:30 pm

    My favorite is chocolate, especially dark chocolate but I also like candy corn as well.

  • 10/04/2019 at 10:04 pm

    I’m a chocolate lover too, especially the dark chocolate. My mother always had candy corn around for Halloween when I was growing up so don’t like it so much any more. I also love hard candy. But I need to keep the sugar consumption down, thus dark chocolate.

  • 10/04/2019 at 5:59 pm

    Favorite: CHOCOLATE!!!! Any kind. (Though I don’t like any chocolate with coconut.) Don’t like: Black licorice. NOT Team Pumpkin. Team Apple Cider/ Spice. Candy corn is ok, but I like some of the flavors (i.e. chocolate). We like mallowcreme “Scary Shapes” (it’s what they’re calling them now). They have different flavors/ shapes; chocolate – cat, bat; banana – crescent moon, ear of corn; orange (more like candy corn) – pumpkin, Jack O’ Lantern; maple – jug, wheat bundle. (The old package had the maple, the new has some strange purple skull that we can’t identify the flavor & don’t like.)

  • 10/04/2019 at 4:58 pm

    Hm… Favorite candy this time of year? I do like candy corn, but I REALLY like the mallowpumpkins. Those are awesome to me. As for things I make, I make really good pumpkin cookies with cinnamon chips. Everyone I know loves them.

  • 10/04/2019 at 3:05 pm

    I like candy corn, apple cider (cold or hot), and dark chocolate. Love all things pumpkin.

  • 10/04/2019 at 1:37 pm

    I love anything with chocolate. My all time favorites are Almond Joys and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. I am okay with candy corn but I thoroughly despise Peeps of any kind.
    I am also team pumpkin but I also love apple cider.

  • 10/04/2019 at 12:18 pm

    I love Reese’s cups , candy corn, kit kats, Twix and m&ms, those are my favorite candies to eat and I love pumpkin pies.

  • 10/04/2019 at 10:56 am

    Yay, Team Pumpkin! Every year the Christmas Tree Store has orange (clove) and black (licorice) spice drops that I love! I am in favor of candy corn and the mallow creams that are similar. Love Reese’s.

  • 10/04/2019 at 10:08 am

    I love all things pumpkin! My favorite candy is too hard to choose but I always love tootsie rolls and anything with nuts.

  • 10/04/2019 at 9:19 am

    I am team Pumpkin also! I also love candy corn. I dislike Reese’s peanut butter cups.


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