I watched Hamilton today.

The first third, I enjoyed, thought–yeah, this is good…hamilton poster

Then something clicked and now I’m one of the people who is raving about it. I was crying by the end, I got so invested in the story and characters. And understand–I do love musicals but I’ve never been interested in American history. It’s just not something I was ever drawn to. I also think…it made me weepy because honestly, why can’t our politics be as diverse as the cast? Why can’t our country be as comfortable with diversity as the cast of the show was?

And the music and performances? Well, I was on Amazon, buying the soundtrack before the show was over, and by the end, I gave up and quit trying to pretend I wasn’t crying. Just took off my glasses and let the tears fall.

Have you seen Hamilton? Are you going to?

Hamilton Rocks!
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4 thoughts on “Hamilton Rocks!

  • 07/08/2020 at 11:22 pm

    Pay attention to the actress who plays the Bullet( it culminates with her doing the slow motion scene at Hamilton’s duel). She appears throughout the show and foreshadows what is going to happen. It gives a new depth to the show. I was surprised at how much more I saw when my niece told me to watch for her the second time we watched it. A powerful effect that I haven’t seen done in shows before.

  • 07/06/2020 at 8:27 pm

    I also saw it live in SF, my daughter saw it live in NYC, London, Chicago, LA and in SF with me. We both love it, and watched it at midnight on July 3rd PDT when streaming started. I would suggest watching it again, each time you see it, you pick up different nuances. I also was never a scholar of American History, but this show touched me so much. The actors are fantastic, I love the diversity of the cast and how amazing they are in their roles. So glad you enjoyed it too.

    • 07/07/2020 at 8:00 pm

      Oh yes, I’ll be seeing it several times this month.

  • 07/06/2020 at 7:37 pm

    I got to see a stage performance with some of my fellow retired teachers when it played in San Francisco ( I live in Newark which is just north of San Jose). It was a wonderful experience. I was a a Social Science with History core major in college and I wasn’t even aware of some of the detail. So glad that you could see it as well.

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