So we’re having some work done on the place–outside faucets added for accessibility so it’s easier to water the lawn, some plumbing changes. Yesterday the plumber found a hornets nest in the wall. He played exterminator given I’m so allergic and he didn’t want me to have to wait to call someone in.

So, yes, this year we had the bathroom remodeled. And I have worked through all of the changes. Thank gods it didn’t take too long for them to do the bathroom–three and a half days, and yesterday and today’s work won’t take long, but the creative process is difficult when you’re in the middle of chaos. And the pandemic doesn’t help matters. That’s a chaos of its own special kind.

I’ve learned to work around the construction chaos–write when they aren’t here, and focus on admin when they are. That’s a little frustrating but not nearly so bad as dealing with the overall chaos of Pandemic Life. Because PL chaos is mostly mental for me. My actual life hasn’t changed drastically. We don’t have friends coming over like we did before, but I couldn’t go to restaurants or theaters before, and so the ‘going out to do this and that’ aspect of life hasn’t drastically shifted.

But the mental aspects? The paranoia over catching the virus–because I would be seriously in trouble if I did–that’s a strain. As is the worry over friends and family. As is the time it takes to wipe down packages, and all the food that comes via Instacart. As is worry over friends who have Covid. As is the realization that things will not get ever go “back” to normal, and whatever comes out of this is still ahead. We’re in limbo right now. And that’s a strain.

So what do we do? We find coping mechanisms. We find ways to focus. We find laughter where we can (laughter is so vital) and joy where we can. We do zoom chats for mutual support while we write. We Facetime family and friends on a regular basis. We love on our pets, forgive ourselves little slips when it comes to diet and exercise, quit beating ourselves up for bursting into tears more often than usual, and generally, try to help each other along.

And we wear our fucking masks, and we do our best to avoid killing someone we love because of a temper tantrum about masks and social distancing.

How are you coping? How are you doing?

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Working Through Chaos

9 thoughts on “Working Through Chaos

  • 07/15/2020 at 12:30 pm

    I’m grateful that I’m retired. I was a first grade teacher for a number of years and worry that some teachers might be forced to go back to school sites for economic reasons. My time is usually spent with my rescue cat Pierre ( named by his foster mom), working in the yard, talking with friends ( cell phones and zoom are great), and reading books, like yours, that take me away from the current situation. I especially love your Bewitching Bedlam and Will Hunt series. Thank you for continuing to create books that provide hours of enjoyment for me and other readers.

  • 07/14/2020 at 7:28 pm

    Thanks for being positive about masks. While working @ night we wear mask & gloves. But when the customers come in they don’t make people wear mask.It is suggested. It makes me angry.
    Your books help me get through my day.


    • 07/15/2020 at 12:26 pm

      I would be angry too. Deep breath (when you’re away from them), focus and center, wear your mask and try to stay back away from the anti-maskers. And thank you for working through this.

  • 07/14/2020 at 3:16 pm

    I hate this. That it is reality. I mean it is a truly scary syfi book come to life. I’m stressed out and tired because I have to work, I carry our insurance. My husband has health issue. I’m terrified I’ll catch this shit and bring it home to him. He takes the dog and leaves when I get home, I leave my shoes in the garage walk to the house and go to the basement to strip wash everything, sanitize everything take a shower, sanitize everything else like groceries. Then call them home. It’s becoming normal but sometimes it’s so hard ( mentally) it’s so sad. My work is devious about letting us know who’s gotten sick which adds to the fear. Otherwise I read and hike in the woods with my dog that’s keeping me sane. Thank you for giving me a chance to wine. I think I needed this ♥️

    • 07/15/2020 at 12:30 pm

      Yeah, it really is a dystopian view. I’m so sorry you have to go through all of this, but it’s for his safety. And yeah, it’s a whole new world, but we are all in it together, so at least we understand what we’re all going through. 🙂

  • 07/14/2020 at 2:50 pm

    Well, I’m crocheting a lot more. I have probably 10 projects (all scarves) right now, I blame the ADHD for that. I’m reading more, trying to get through my reading list. It keeps getting bigger faster than I read the books, stuck having to go in to work (my job is considered essential, though they cut my hours), and talk to friends. So, mostly normal. Outside of not going out every week, that’s not to the grocery store, basically same old same old for me. Otherwise, basically anything that relaxes me, I can’t let stress get to me too much, because then the OCD gets worse and I’m already bad enough having to leave the house for my job thanks to that. Now if only I actually finish some of these projects.

    • 07/15/2020 at 12:31 pm

      Stress is a bitch–it triggers my reactions so I try to mitigate it as best as I can. But hey, you’ll have a lot of pretty scarves when you’re done!

  • 07/14/2020 at 9:45 am

    Well, since I retired in 2016, I have not changed my lifestyle much for the PL. I wear mask when out to stores, or in contact with people outside (not usual in my yard). I read, I mess on computer (or work on it), I clean small areas of house, I nap, pet cats (7 inside) and generally not much else. I am trying to clean up my book lists…and I need to go through my OLD TBR stacks to see if I can Not keep some–and edit the lists on my computer for those I get rid of. I also am, sometimes, trying to move the info from my old Access Book Librarian (not updated by maker since 2010 which will NOT move to Win 10, whenever I get it), to Excel which Should move to Office 365 (maybe). I have 8000 books in it — I have moved some 5000. Otherwise same old, same old. Not worried about PL, more about the November election.

    • 07/15/2020 at 12:31 pm

      What kind of cats do you have? I love hearing about people’s pets.


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