So, yesterday I made the announcement that I’ll be pulling my books out of KU when their trial is up. I am finding a distinct drop in sales, enough to impact my income. So yes, I will NOT be putting the Blood Queen Series into KU, and the KU experiment will end on the following dates:

  • Chintz ‘n China Series: Will come out of KU on November 17th.
  • Longest Night will come out of KU on November 22nd.
  • Bewitching Bedlam Series: Will come out of KU on December 6th.
  • Bath & Body Series will come out of KU on December 6th

Otherwise, I’ve started using foam rollers to set my hair the WAY old-school way. I use Bed Head Foxy Curls on my dry hair, roll it up, leave for two hours, and boom, wonderful waves that last a couple of days and eliminate frizz. I’m delightfully happy with it, I don’t worry about burning myself with a curling iron now (a continual fear of mine), and it’s actually a fun throw-back. I do find it works better if my hair isn’t spanky-clean. And since I can’t wash my hair that often (it’s dry), I find that I can usually go a week between washing now, and I’ll roll it twice in that frame time. Wash on Day 1. Roll on Day 3. Roll on Day 5. And it stays nice and looks good and doesn’t get dried out this way. Here’s my hair on the second roll of the week.

Other than that, I’ve started doing Intermittent Fasting. There’s so much evidence that it has a HUGE benefit on Type 2 Diabetes, and that it also helps MCAS, and it will also allow me to not have to strive so hard to be SO low carb, which is so difficult when you have MCAS. So I’ll report in on how that’s helping me as time goes on. I’m starting with a 17/7 window: eating from 11-6 PM. I know I can handle that. I plan on giving it two weeks before moving down to an 18/6 window.

So, that’s about it for now. I’m working on BLOOD ROSES and sure hope you enjoy it. It’s more of a fairytale like atmosphere, like the Indigo Court Series, though not quite as dark. (Yes, fairytales can be very dark *grins*).

How are you and what are you up to?




But First, Coffee
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