So, I was thinking about how fast time flows. Last year seemed to both last forever, and yet it sped by in the blink of an eye. And then I thought about how many overwhelming bad things happened last year, and I began to get really depressed. So I decided to look for six wonderful things that came out of last year, to hold onto and not dwell on the negative.

And I came up with these things, for me:


  1. I got to see Hamilton, thanks to Disney+. If the pandemic hadn’t happened, I might not have been able to. So, while I sure as well wish we hadn’t had it, one positive outcome is I got to watch (and rewatch and rewatch) a musical that has quickly become one of my favorites.
  2. I started the Moonshadow Bay Series. I love the Wild Hunt–don’t get me wrong–but I really enjoyed writing Starlight Web, and I’m thrilled people have like it so much. That’s a big win for me.
  3. All our kitties came through 2020 in good health, and happy. That matters to me. More than just about everything.
  4. Again, because of the pandemic, a group of authors I’m friends with started a zoom sprinting group. We meet every day to write. We started this in July and it’s been a sanity-keeper and now none of us ever want the group to end. We mark out that time to write together, and we’ve been able to keep each other on track.
  5. Sam and I got rid of our landline, and switched to higher internet speed, and Hulu (along with Netflix, Disney Plus, and Amazon Prime). Best move we’ve made re: TV, phone, etc.
  6. My commitment to my YouTube channel is paying off.

So, those are six things I’m grateful for. And they aren’t small, either. We’ve saved money (thanks to #5), I’ve managed to keep the books going (thanks to #4), and even in a world that feels like it fell into chaos, I felt I had some foundation–some feeling of order in a year that will go down in infamy.

What good things can you take out of last year, whether related to the pandemic or not? What went right?


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But First, Coffee
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4 thoughts on “But First, Coffee

  • 01/09/2021 at 1:38 pm

    This past year has been crucial for realizing just what is important in life! My love for my family (all created by marriage or selection) has grown exponentially. My “adopted/selected” daughter has been there for us, bringing us both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner!!!!!!!!!!!! I am quite capable of cooking but she wanted to include us in family meals while keeping Covid precautions!
    I had the time to finish a large needlepoint for my “selected ” sister and get it to her for her new home.
    I had special time with my beloved husband (my Samwise) and after 30 years together, still love him with all my heart.
    This year has taught me to love more and to be thankful for those who return my love.

  • 01/08/2021 at 6:57 pm

    I like the fact that you are encouraging everyone to search out the positive! In a year like 2020, it is all too easy to get lost in the negative.

    For me:
    1. I took the ‘plunge’ and retired. That is something of a mixed bag right now. Sometimes it is the best thing in the world, and then again there are times it feels like the worse decision I have made. Fortunately, I know that is all part of the process of adaptation and figuring out what my new daily life looks like. I miss my job- I found I liked being a supervisor and making big decisions alot. I do NOT miss the headaches and the stresses inherent with that supervisory position! It had also become more problematic doing supervision as almost all of our workforce had transitioned to work from home.

    2. As a part of 1- we have begun to get some of the house things done that have been put onto the back burner. We finished the new flooring, painted the family room and installed storm doors on all exterior doors. I got the scrapbox organizer I have drooled over for a decade and replaced the ancient, held together with duct tape and a prayer desk. I have added 2 new streaming services to our TV package and think I am done with those for now.

    I am looking for even more good things as this new year ages. I am only calling for ‘good’ for everyone in this new.

  • 01/08/2021 at 6:49 pm

    While I have to say it’s hard with some of the things that happened last year in my life, some good: a friend and I began writing a book together over Skype for fun (It’s just for us and our families to enjoy), I kept my job all year, lost weight, and learned to bake some new things I had never tried before.

  • 01/08/2021 at 2:33 pm

    Thank you for this.
    I have been struggling.
    Now i will sit down and write out my 6 things this evening!
    Bright blessings with a dash of love.

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