->Sunday, February 28th, in my Moonstalkers Facebook Group–spend the day interacting with other readers. Contests, fun posts, and celebration!
10:00 AM – 03:00 PM
Where: Moon Stalkers Facebook Group

->Monday, March 1st, I will be the guest in the Paranormal Women’s Fiction Group on Facebook. Again, spend the day interacting with other readers, and entering contests!
10:00 AM –3 PM

->Tuesday, March 2nd, I will be taking over a group that I am part of for, again, fun posts and contests. Join me at the Seasoned Magic Paranormal Women’s Fiction Club.
10 AM–3 PM

Most contests will run longer than the hours indicated, and the posts will continue so don’t worry about being later in the day. Also, remember to answer the questions asked to get into each group–they’re easy!

On Friday March 5th, my Spring Contest will open on my Blog here, for a wonderful basket o’ goodies, so be sure to return to enter for a chance to win that day!

And keep an eye out for my newsletter about my SPRING SALE! It will reach your inbox tomorrow!


2 thoughts on “LAUNCH PARTY MADNESS!

  • 02/27/2021 at 8:12 am

    can’t wait. Love this new series

  • 02/23/2021 at 7:12 pm

    Woot woot! So excited!
    It is such a great new series!
    You spoil us readers something awful but I love it! Thank you!


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