It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness.

Today we have one of our last pictures of our kitty Caly-cute before she went over the rainbow. We will always love her. Yes, we miss you.

Caturday 01-08-2022

It’s Caturday
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2 thoughts on “It’s Caturday

  • 01/08/2022 at 3:19 pm

    Sorry for your loss pets are a big part of ones family, we had our cat put down she was 20 and sick this was a few years ago and we still miss her dearly.

  • 01/08/2022 at 1:26 pm

    Oh my this is so sweet lol. What a cutie. So glad you have the wonderful memories of Caly to last you forever. Hugs, Tamalita

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