Woman wandering through birch/alder forest.

It’s been a long past few days, focused on sorting out taxes and thoughts. The taxes–not fun but easier than the thoughts.
Sometimes, my brain runs so fast that it’s hard to hear what I’m thinking.
  • Yet another author is coming out with a ‘nazi romance’…oh good gods, can we STOP with romanticizing the Nazis?
  • Brian Sanderson is getting 26M on his Kickstarter and authors are whining. You know, I’d LOVE to have a fraction of his readership–really, I WOULD. I’d love to have so many autobuys I don’t have to wonder about mortgage money off and on. BUT…I’m happy for him because it shows readers want books. And that’s a good thing.
  • I’m wondering what my readers would think if I started writing some true paranormal romances–IE: the romance being the focus. Would I gain new readers? Because I need to up my audience. But don’t worry–I’d still be writing some UF.
  • I AM planning to continue the Moonshadow Bay Series, AND a new PWF series, so yay for that!
  • I wish I had more energy right now but world events are sapping it out of me. Which means I need another news moratorium. I kind of wish I could just ignore what’s going on, that I didn’t care so much, but I do. To my detriment sometimes.
  • Anyway, there are some thoughts for you today. And how are you doing? If you want to comment and can’t here, then hop over to my Blog where you’ll find this post and others. 🙂
Peace out, peeps.

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Wednesday Wanderings: Tired
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12 thoughts on “Wednesday Wanderings: Tired

  • 03/11/2022 at 6:49 am

    I wanted to add a new favorite character: Angel from the Wild Hunt series. She is smart, strong and I enjoyed seeing her flesh out as as the series progressed. I could identify with her cooking to nurture and bring people together. Work out stress by kneading yeast dough and baking and sharing the baked goods!!

  • 03/10/2022 at 11:23 am

    I cannot fathom how anyone can romantisize the Natzis given what they have done … and the Russians, who hated the Natzis, are emulating them. I would not buy this author.
    Yasmine, your pagan romance was a good read – more of that would be ok. I think you are a cut above most of the fantasy authors out there – keep doing what you are doing. Your plots, character development and sentence and paragraph structure are great. I cannot write but I can recodnize a good writer when I see one…. I think I was an editor in a previous life. Your books are a nice escape from right now and the stresses of daily life and the news. I only wish I had discovered your books sooner.

    • 03/11/2022 at 9:07 am

      Thank you so much–I love hearing that, obviously, but truthfully, compliments like that mean the world to me. I WANT my books to shine and to stand out for their good qualities…and I love that my work also creates a safe space for people to escape to when they need to step outside their own lives. The characters dictate the book–I don’t force them into a mold. I’ve tried, believe me, and the book gets stuck.

  • 03/10/2022 at 9:29 am

    Anything positive about Nazis I would avoid. I traveled to Germany a few years ago with my daughter and her husband and visited museums and historic sites. Part of my major in college ( way back when) was history and even I learned more about the evil intensions occurring during that time.

    February was a very sad time for me. I had to put down my cat Pierre ( fast growing cancer). I had lost his brother Bert 3 years prior. So I’ve been watching mostly Hallmark station as well as children’ PBS shows. I submitted my name to Furry Friends Rescue since I’ve always had animals in my life, except the few short years that I was married. One of the foster mom’s recognized my name. I had adopted the boys from her 13 years ago. She asked if I could foster, with possible intent to adopt, kittens. Just yesterday she sent me photos of 3 siblings and asked if I could take them as soon as they turn 6-7 weeks. Apparently they were found in a backyard at 3 weeks old. It’s almost like birthday and Christmas rolled up together. That’s what’s going to get me through all the ugliness in the world right now.

    You have great strong characters in your books. I’ll read anything that you create. But please take time for yourself. We will all understand.

    • 03/11/2022 at 9:08 am

      I’m so sorry about your furbaby. As you know, we lost two last year and it rips a part of you out. I hope the fostering works out–I know I’d want to keep every one of them!

  • 03/10/2022 at 8:04 am

    I try to counter the news by watching Animal Planet or Nat Geo Wild. I need the animals and nature.

    I love Moonshadow Bay! I look forward to more! I would give a romance story a try.

    Nazi romance is an oxymoron. These people need to watch Shindler’s List.

  • 03/10/2022 at 7:15 am

    oooh. a new Moonshadow bay? and a new series? That would be awesome! ::bounces happily in the corner::

    I like the balance of action/adventure/romance that you have in your books, at least the series that I read. However, if you are driven to write a different balance, I say go for it. I will try them when they come out to see if I like them.

    I do a fast scan of news headlines a couple of times a day, and that seems to be a good balance for me. However, I seem to have a thicker “skin” than many (I’ve been called “uncaring” many times), so it does not seem to impact me as dreadfully as it does some. You (and others) have my sympathy and strength as you work through that.

    And nazi romances? that almost seems oxymoronic to me, a juxtaposition of opposites that have no hope of meshing. Definitely something I would boycott the hell out of if I even came across it.

    good luck as you plan things out…

    • 03/11/2022 at 9:10 am

      Yeah, I find the entire “nazi romance” trope insulting. If I were Jewish, I’d be frothing mad. For one thing…they usually have a Jewish heroine who’s ‘saved’ by the Nazi and often they turn her Christian. Makes me totally see red!

  • 03/10/2022 at 4:04 am

    I completely agree with you on the stupidity of romanticizing of nazis. It’s disgusting and I will never read any of those books. It’s a subject for me that could very well spell the end of a relationship with an author for me. Because in mind if they’re ok with doing that it makes me wonder what else they’re ok with.
    A news moratorium is a good idea I think. While I want to know what is going it’s all so horribly depressing to see.
    I’m VERY happy to hear that you plan to continue the Moonshadow Bay series as it’s quickly become one of my favorites.
    I’m doing alright I suppose. Just dealing with my own health issues and trying to stay positive.

    • 03/10/2022 at 5:42 am

      Looking forward to new Moonshadow Bay.
      Ain’t nothing romantic about Nazis.

      Not sure what you mean about romance first

      You have strong characters who are survivors.
      They are doing their best to love themselves and are lucky enough to find someone to share the path with .

      Persia Vanderbilt, Emerald O’Brian, Camille , Menolly, Delilah, Shimmer, Kerris Fellwater, Cicely Waters , Kaeleen Donovan, Maddy , Lily O’Connell, Merilee Johansson, Ember, Raven, January Jaxson and Storm.

      Their family, friends , lovers and worlds are wonderful. Just tell the best stories. Be the light in the darkness.


      • 03/11/2022 at 9:11 am

        I write books with romantic elements. A ‘romance’–the romance in the story is the main focus. Romance sells so much better than anything–love is still the glue that makes the world go round.

    • 03/11/2022 at 9:12 am

      Moonshadow Bay is doing MUCH better than I thought, percentage wise in terms of sales. I do love the series but when a series declines in sales, it’s not good sense to continue it. So I’m glad I miscalculated on the MB books!


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