So, I decided to clicker train the cats, so that when Sam goes into the garage, they don’t try to dart in there. At first, it worked as planned. But Ellie has ideas of her own. We started to notice that she would hear Sam say “Can you click the kitties” and she’d come running to me before I clicked the clicker and play red dot with her.
But it’s expanded. Ellie now runs over to the garage door when Andria walks toward it . Then she races to my office for her treat. Apparently, she now associates anybody going near that door with getting a treat from me! Too funny!
The baby girls will be a year old at the end of September. Hard to believe, though they look big enough to be over that already.
We have a very smart kitty!
So glad that the clicker training is working for you with the kitties!
Consider yourself being trained, as well, lol!
Ellie seems a very intelligent little girl!
Brightest blessings from our home to yours!