As of now, all my books should be in KU that are going to be there (except for the preorders). Go forth, my minions, and read! And re-read (if you’ve already read)!

HOW KU WORKS: You add a book to your KU list. The author makes money by how many pages you read of that book (and only once you start reading it). It helps if you start at the very beginning of the book and read through to the last page. It doesn’t matter how fast you read–each page earns a little money. It can really add up with a lot of dedicated readers, which is nice. And what about re-reading? If you have read the books in a format other than KU, then the first re-read will count and help the author. Subsequent re-reads don’t, but that’s fine!

How do I sign up for KU? Kindle Unlimited is a subscription based service and you can often find deals on Amazon to subscribe. Here is more information about KU.


Any preorders will be wide (at all vendors) UNTIL one week AFTER release day. I don’t recommend waiting till the last minute due to the vagaries of the vendors and how quickly/late they get to the delisting process. If you want the books on Nook, Kobo, GP, or Apple I recommend preordering as soon as possible.

The list of books that will NOT be put into KU:

Autumn Thorns
Shadow Silence
The Phantom Queen

Moon Shimmers
Harvest Song
Blood Bonds
Otherworld Tales Vol 1
Otherworld Tales Vol 2

Now in KU! WOOHOO!
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