It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have… What the meow is going on? Why is Kirsi see-through? Trust me, boys and girls, we didn’t digitally alter this!
New Vlog: Life Update
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we look for clues about Brighid’s… uhhh… you know… Hoookay… Nuttin there… We will keep looking.
Writing Wednesday
Melissa asks: How do you keep so many different storylines going at the same time in your head? You absolutely amaze me with your brilliance! I love the incredible detail and cross series references in many stories. Answer: I’m just
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we have our kitty DEMANDING we hoomins (her words) do something important.
Writing Wednesday
Question: Ok. Please don’t be annoyed with me, but……..what are the chances that we’ll get to “see” Angel and Raven’s………..”growth?” I was honestly hoping for more Raven books and an Angel series Answer: I’m not annoyed–I’m glad you love the
SHATTERED SPELLS is in the wild! It will be available on Kobo, Nook, Kindle, and Apple until April 13th, at which point I will be putting it into KU. So get it now on the non-Amazon e-readers if you want
It’s Caturday
It’s Caturday and time for cute fluffy-wuzziness. Today we will watch as our Caturday kitty goes about her busy day. *Sssshhhh…*
A glitch closed the contest early–I’m sorry! But keep watch for the Summer contest in a few months! It’s time for my spring contest! I hold quarterly contests to thank my loyal readers. You will have until 8 PM PDT
Writing Wednesday
Evy asks: Does Mrs. Galenorn use her husband as inspiration for her characters love interest? The one that immediately comes to mind is Herne and Ember. Answer: Not really. Now, we did have a whirlwind relationship, and like most of