So, yesterday I finished editing the novella for Ice Magic, and will write most of A Dream of Snow novella this week, and finish it by next week. I’m planning on moving the release dates to October 15 for Ice Magic,
Why I Love Writing Urban Fantasy

So, yesterday I finished editing the novella for Ice Magic, and will write most of A Dream of Snow novella this week, and finish it by next week. I’m planning on moving the release dates to October 15 for Ice Magic,
Dawn asks: Do you come up with the hook first, or do you create characters first and then dig through until you find a hook? Answer: I always meet my characters first. I never consciously ‘create’ a character–my subconscious does
Melissa asks: How do you keep so many different storylines going at the same time in your head? You absolutely amaze me with your brilliance! I love the incredible detail and cross series references in many stories. Answer: I’m just
Question: Ok. Please don’t be annoyed with me, but……..what are the chances that we’ll get to “see” Angel and Raven’s………..”growth?” I was honestly hoping for more Raven books and an Angel series Answer: I’m not annoyed–I’m glad you love the
Evy asks: Does Mrs. Galenorn use her husband as inspiration for her characters love interest? The one that immediately comes to mind is Herne and Ember. Answer: Not really. Now, we did have a whirlwind relationship, and like most of
Melissa asks: I’m intrigued by The Crow Man from Whisper Hollow. How did you come up with the description for him? I really couldn’t find anything about him online. Answer: You won’t, because I made him up. He’s a creation
Ruthie asks: I love your work! How are you so prolific? What inspires you so? Answer: My mind is always active–I’m always wondering, “What if…?” Truthfully, most writers don’t know where their ideas come from–they’re everywhere if you just look
Reader Question: Now that you have so many more characters and worlds, all within the same space in a way, which of them do you most relate to? And which one of them would you want to spend a day with?